Beating the Winter Blues- Yoga Style

Written by Jenna Morrison | Nov 19, 2015 11:00:00 PM

As the days get shorter and the weather turns colder, we are all slowly realizing that we cannot escape the Alaskan winter any longer. Though we all like to say we are “Alaska Tough” and can handle the sometimes brutal conditions, the truth is that there are parts of those dark days that can get us feeling a little blue. We may be able to heat our homes, snuggle up under a mountain of blankets, and put on our down jackets, but sometimes it’s even harder to get our minds in gear. Instead of counting down the days until spring, it’s time to seek out ways to escape the winter blues.

This winter, try yoga as a release. Whether yoga is new to you or you have been practicing for a years, The Alaska Club has a number of classes to help you get started or take you to the next level! So, grab a mat and get ready to bring a little Namaste back to your life! It was recently published that the number one reason people partake in yoga is for “wellness”. Wellness is actively becoming aware of ones’ well-being and making choices for the betterment of that well-being. This may be the physical, mental, social or spiritual wellbeing. Yoga practices and exercises can better your well-being in a multitude of ways and enhance how you live your everyday life. When the winter blues overcome us, it is the most important time to step back and focus on our wellness.

Achieving wellness is a journey with many dimensions that can be aided through yoga. In the next few months, engage in a powerful sequence of standing poses to challenge your balance and endurance and strengthen your physical well-being. Partake in a group fitness yoga class to feel the energy of others around you and feed your social well-being. Reach and flow through a series of stretching postures before your normal exercise routine to prepare your mental well-being. Set an intention for yourself each time you step on your mat to connect with your body and enlighten your spiritual well-being.

Yoga increases your bodily and emotional awareness and can increase the experience of positive emotions; which we all need year round. Focusing on the good in your life and realizing your body’s capability to move and flow through a yoga practice is sure to combat some of that winter sadness!

Sun Salutation is a popular yoga series intended to energize the body and strengthen and stretch your muscles, bringing a little sunshine in our lives during the long Alaskan winter! Check the group fitness schedule to see what yoga classes The Alaska Club is offering this winter. Whether you’re a beginner or a tried and true yogi, practicing yoga a couple of times a week with is sure to leave you feeling satisfied.