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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Never Say Never

on Jul 9, 2024 1:56:35 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments | Augie's Quest
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Stay Strong for Summer

on Jun 27, 2024 12:19:07 PM By | Tracy Dumas, TAC Director of Marketing & PR | 0 Comments |
There’s nothing like playing outside during the summer in Alaska. I can’t resist a sunny, beautiful morning running on the Coastal Trail or packing up for a hiking adventure at a state park. What gives me the strength to play outside in the summer? Keeping up my training inside the gym. I asked some of our personal trainers and group fitness instructors why it’s important not to skip your gym workouts in the summer and how what you do inside can help with what you like to do outside.
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Nutrition Tips to Prepare for a Marathon

on Jun 3, 2024 2:40:50 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Running a marathon is a competitive sport, but in recent years it is gaining popularity as a personal accomplishment or milestone. Whether you do it for fun or for competition, this type of long duration exercise demands intense and long preparation prior to the race. Runners go through various physiological stresses during both phases, training, and racing, and this can be partially addressed by good nutrition, hydration, and sleep. Supplementing muscle fuel stores before and during a race is crucial for successful longer races.
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Favorite Distance

on May 21, 2024 2:20:45 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments |
Even though I’ve done more half marathons than any other race distance, truth be told, my favorite distances are 5 and 10 miles.
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Countering Aging

on May 7, 2024 9:03:14 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
When it comes to health and fitness, senior citizens are in a decidedly different realm from their younger peers. The facts seem dire but are not irreconcilable with a healthy lifestyle. Bones are drier. Joints are not only dry but possibly arthritic. Reflex time is not as sharp. Metabolism has slowed. Tolerance for cold is diminished, but so is tolerance for heat. There are many biological reasons for this.
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Water Safety Month

on May 2, 2024 2:11:05 PM By | Tracy Dumas, TAC Director of Marketing & PR | 0 Comments |
May is National Water Safety Month, an annual campaign coordinated by several agencies including The American Red Cross, National Drowning Prevention Alliance, and the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance. The Alaska Club is promoting the message by encouraging everyone to be water aware. According to the CDC, drowning is a leading cause of death for children. Here are some facts:
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NYC Marathon for ALS

on May 1, 2024 1:32:55 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments | Augie's Quest
I did something this week that I was certain I would NEVER do. I signed up to run a marathon. Not just any marathon – the New York City Marathon. Whenever I’ve been asked “are you gonna run a marathon now”, my reply has always been, I’m only half crazy. Yes, I’ve run several half marathons. However, as I crossed the finish line I’ve never thought, gee I wish I could do that again - right now. I’m also very aware of and respectful of what it takes to train for and run a marathon. It’s a commitment.
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Team Training At The Alaska Club

on Apr 11, 2024 4:18:11 PM By | Tracy Dumas, TAC Director of Marketing & PR | 0 Comments |
Working out is more fun with friends! If you’re looking for a great workout in a like-minded community setting, then Team Training might be your jam. It’s motivating, effective, and a whole lot of fun. Held on the turf area of the clubs, the class is led by a certified personal trainer. I started taking Stacey’s 6am Team Training at TAC West in December of 2023 and I’m sticking with it. Here’s why you should try it too.
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Suffering from Heartburn or Acid Reflux

on Mar 18, 2024 3:19:27 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Suffering from Heartburn or Acid Reflux? Registered Dietician, Elize Rumley offers some tips to cool the fire.
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Why a Fitness Consultation Will Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

on Mar 1, 2024 10:35:27 AM By | Tracy Dumas | 0 Comments | Getting Fit
We all have a purpose and a reason for coming to the Club. Maybe it’s to reduce stress, improve flexibility, train for your first triathlon, or be able pick up a grandchild with ease. Whatever your reason for joining The Alaska Club, we’re thrilled that you chose to be a part of our community. Our goal is to offer motivation, inspiration, and variety to help you reach your health and fitness goals. One of the services we offer to members is a fitness consultation. Victor Spivey, TAC Manager of Personal Training Sales, explains the purpose, benefits, and process of this check-in designed to help you set goals and put them into action.
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Loving Your Heart in 2024

February is the month to raise awareness of heart health. Did you know that every 38 seconds someone dies from cardiovascular disease in this country? Although you can’t control your age, gender, or genetics, you can decrease your risk by changing your lifestyle habits. Here are some tips to improve your heart health.
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The Loneliness Epidemic: Strategies for Thriving in Alaska's Winter

on Feb 14, 2024 1:35:23 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Community mental health winter
Let’s be real. Winter is hard in Alaska. It may pose opportunities to do sports outside that we otherwise would not do such as skating, hockey, snowboarding, skiing, cross country skiing, skate skiing, but it is still hard. The ice, the cold, the darkness, the sense of being boxed in-otherwise known as cabin fever, the feeling of isolation all means we need to try harder to do what we need to do to stay happy and healthy.
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I Tried It: Les Mills Strength Development

on Jan 22, 2024 10:45:34 AM By | Tracy Dumas | 0 Comments | group fitness
The new year is the perfect time to try new adventures. When The Alaska Club added Les Mills Strength Development class to its Group Fitness schedule, I decided to add it to my weekly routine. Motivating instructor? Check (shout out to you, Hannah!). Early morning class to kick start my day? Check. Working my muscles in a new and challenging way? Check. Curious if Strength Development is right for you? Whether you’re a regular lifter or just starting out, this 45-minute functional strength training class will push you to the next level.
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Start Your New Year with “Superfoods”

on Jan 9, 2024 10:13:53 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
"Superfoods" is a term used by lay people to advocate for foods that are rich in nutrients and claim health benefits due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Every year the food industry recognizes one food as being the “superfood” and then you see a range of that food product in the market. While the term "superfood" is a marketing term and not a scientific classification, the experts agree that consuming nutrient-dense foods can contribute to overall health and well-being. The key is to incorporate the whole food itself into the diet. Highly marketed processed products are often an expensive gimmick.
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New Year's Resolutions

on Dec 29, 2023 4:12:19 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
As we commence the New Year with aspirations to do better, we know that most people who make resolutions, particularly in matters of health, fail. Fully 95% of people who go on a diet, do not achieve their goal. Many even gain weight in the process. There is definitely a better way. Success is at hand, and it is done one day at a time.
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Kids Activities

on Dec 19, 2023 9:37:08 AM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
Winter Break is here, parents. Are you ready? The Alaska Club offers a wide range of options to keep your family active and having fun not only during winter break, but also throughout the year. We caught up with TAC Director of Youth and Family Recreation, Kathie Stacey, to learn more.
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Yoga Changed My Life

on Dec 5, 2023 1:03:32 PM By | Jessica Reed | 0 Comments |
TAC Member and frequent Yogi at The Studio, Jessica Reed recently shared her incredible story with The Alaska Club’s marketing team and the impact the community at The Studio has had on her life. We truly believe that exercise is medicine for the body and the soul and were so touched by her words that we asked Jessica’s permission to share her story in hopes of inspiring others. She graciously agreed. We are so proud of Jessica for the courage it took to step into that first class after an excruciating time in her life and make such a positive change for herself, and potentially for others. Thank you, Jessica for sharing your story. We wish you all the best this holiday season and beyond. – TAC Marketing Team
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Holiday Survival Tips

on Nov 30, 2023 10:56:48 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
Let’s take a look at how we can better navigate the holidays. The holidays should not be fraught with self-remorse in ostensible lapses in our otherwise general positive health practices. When we were kids, Christmas was the pinnacle of the year. Fond memories abound of mom’s homemade cookies, grandma’s pecan pies, and dad’s basted turkey. The holidays had this aura of hustle and bustle with visitors, family gatherings, decorating of the tree, concerts, and the alluring mountain of gifts. As kids we were so excited, we were ready to pop. Little did we understand the heavy load that burdened our parents with all the preparations. Just the shopping list alone was daunting, let alone the baking, decorating, gift wrapping, card writing, and driving kids hither, thither, and yon. Choir practice, dance rehearsals, parties, and the never-ending-days stacked with events seemed to add on more responsibilities, and strain to the already harried work-a-day world.
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Take Time to Recover

on Nov 2, 2023 3:14:43 PM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
There’s nothing like basking in the glow of a great workout. You likely worked up a good sweat, relieved some stress, and got your endorphins flowing. After a shower and a nutritious post-workout meal, you should also consider taking time out to recover. I asked Fitness Director for TAC West/Club for Women, Personal Trainer, and Group Fitness instructor Stacey Ledgerwood for some tips on getting the most out of your rest days.
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Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention with The Alaska Club

on Oct 9, 2023 10:00:44 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
October is breast cancer awareness month, and The Alaska Club is 100% on board! On Friday, October the 27th, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, the Zumba members will be dancing like there’s no tomorrow at the “Party in Pink Zumbathon” at The Alaska Club South. There’s nothing more fun than a group of people dedicated to a cause while dancing with wild abandon! Also consider calling the Providence Imaging Center for a 20-minute mammogram that as of November 1 can now be easily conducted in the mobile mammogram van! This simple and easy procedure can be a lifesaving one as it is an important tool in the early detection of breast abnormalities.
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Red Light and Salt Therapy Treatment Benefits

on Sep 28, 2023 12:41:53 PM By | The Alaska Club. | 0 Comments |
Hey there, wellness enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey of relaxation, rejuvenation, and radiant skin? Let’s explore the benefits of these two amazing therapies now available at The Alaska Club Anchorage South (coming soon to other TAC locations) and why you should consider incorporating them into your self-care routine.
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The Keto Diet – What Is It and What Are the Risks?

on Sep 14, 2023 12:53:03 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
I often get questions about how to lose or maintain weight and am surprised that people still talk about the keto diet. Any fad diet comes with big promises, but the risks are rarely highlighted.
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I don’t have the time to work out!

on Aug 28, 2023 3:54:44 PM By | Christina Hunter. | 0 Comments |
That was my reasoning for not getting in a steady rhythm of working my body for years. Between being a wife, mom of two young kids (and thus a constant house cleaner), and a full time REALTOR there was always a reason I could find to not put in the effort to get my body moving. I would try a group fitness class here and there. I would try on my own to go in and just jog. The will to go back always petered out.
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What, When and How You Eat Matters

on Aug 22, 2023 2:33:13 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
I recently returned from a conference and there were lot of discussions around weight management using the new medication Ozempic. Unfortunately, if you do not change what, when and how you eat, you may be disappointed with the result and will learn quickly that this is not a magic drug for all. Also, as soon as you quit taking the medication, all the weight may come back.
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Discover Your Strength

on Jul 20, 2023 10:45:53 AM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
I remember the first time I tried Group Power. I walked into the West club’s group fitness room full of people who seemed to know exactly which weights to grab off the racks, how many, and how to set up their bar and bench just right. My head filled with thoughts like what if I lift too heavy or not enough? What if I drop my weighty bar on myself or even worse, someone else? How sore will I be tomorrow? Fast forward more than 10 years, Group Power is one of my favorite classes and I now consider strength training a must in my regular fitness rotation. Whether you enjoy the camaraderie of a Group Power class, prefer to strength train solo or with a personal trainer, chances are you too, were once unsure how to add weights to your workouts. TAC Director of Personal Training, Cameron Allen has some tips on how to get started.
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Living with Purpose

on Jun 23, 2023 4:21:02 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
The components of good health are myriad. One can think of them as a mosaic or a quilt, or maybe a work of Picasso or Monet, multiple colors, varying segments, merging, and blending into one wholistic, interacting, non-separable entity. You know the ingredients or patches and patterns well as you have heard them all so often: a good night’s sleep, movement, stretching, strength training, a nutrient-rich diet of water-based foods rich in roughage, antioxidants, and all manner of numerous undetected healthful components.
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Swim for Your Health

on Jun 9, 2023 2:58:46 PM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
Summertime brings memories of splashing around with your friends in the pool. But swimming is not just for kids, it’s also a great choice for a workout. Lifelong swimmer and TAC Swim Coach Glenn Preston has some tips on getting started with a swim routine and how to keep on kicking for benefits that last.
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And Just Like That…

on Jun 7, 2023 2:21:58 PM By | Suzanne Crow & Tina Day | 0 Comments |
The Alaska Club is a proud sponsor of the 2023 Alaska Run for Women. If you have not already registered, we invite you to do so and join us on Saturday, June 10 for this incredible community event that raises money for awareness of breast cancer and women’s health, and to highlight Alaska’s female athletes. Retired TAC Marketing Director, Tina Day and her mother and breast cancer survivor Suzanne Crow share Suzanne’s journey from diagnosis to recovery.
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Finding your Centergy

on May 19, 2023 3:46:11 PM By | Suzy Spackman | 0 Comments |
For many women in their 40s and 50s, changing hormones during the menopause transition can throw a curveball into their regular fitness routine and the overall results they expect to see from familiar workouts they’ve done for years. TAC Zumba and Group Centergy instructor Suzy Spackman shares her personal experience with this pivotal time in a woman’s life. Read on to see how changing your fitness routine by changing your focus can help.
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Coming Home

on May 11, 2023 9:33:49 AM By | Tia Hale | 0 Comments |
The Alaska Club is celebrating Military Appreciation Month. We’re fortunate to have several staff members with a military background. One of them is Tia Hale, a cycling instructor at TAC Eagle River. Tia is a Lieutenant who was recently commissioned as a United States Public Health officer. The mission of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service is to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Tia does that for TAC members every week with her Ride 50 class. You can catch her at Eagle River on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
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The Fresh Face of Spring

on May 1, 2023 10:17:25 AM By | Megan Olson | 0 Comments |
When I read that The Alaska Club was now offering Hydrafacials, I immediately made an appointment. Though I’d never had a HydraFacial, the benefits sounded like the very things my skin needs during this time of year: rejuvenation, exfoliation and hydration. After a long winter of outdoor sports, indoor classes at The Alaska Club and slathering my face with whatever moisture I can get my hands on, my skin is weathered, dull and tired. As a busy mom of three teenagers, I rarely take time for me and only me, but having this HydraFacial was the best hour I spent all month. I have been sharing the experience with all my girlfriends and now I am excited to share it with you all, too.
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Movement is Medicine

on Apr 10, 2023 10:19:47 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
Mental health is a cooking hot topic commanding attention in the halls of Congress, the schools, the churches, the workplaces and literally every major institution across the land. The most important recent study to come out on mental health was just published by the British Journal of Medicine on February 16. The findings? Movement is medicine! Physical activity has such a profound impact on mental health that the researchers who conducted the study at the University of Australia discovered that “…physical activity is 1.5 times more helpful than therapy or leading medications for reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.” The mind-body connection has long been well-known, but the degree of physical activities’ effectiveness is now without a doubt.
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Strategies for Triathlon Success

Spring is a time to reset, renew, and maybe step up your fitness game. Are you up for a challenge? How about a triathlon? Whether you’re signed up for the Gold Nugget, Eagle River Tri, or you just want to train for all the running, biking, and swimming you’re planning to do this summer, the time to start training is now. The Alaska Club Executive Director of Group Fitness, Janet Warner has some strategies to help you prepare.
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Exercise Snacks & Physical Health

on Mar 1, 2023 10:28:02 AM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
How many snacks do you take in a day? If you’re taking exercise snacks, indulge all you want. Exercise snacks are defined as short bursts of movement. They can be as simple as climbing stairs instead of taking an elevator or standing up from your work desk to do wall pushups or a series of squats. The time you spend is short, but according to research, the benefits are great.
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It’s Better Together.

on Feb 2, 2023 2:11:28 PM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
It’s hard not to smile back when someone shows you a friendly face or laugh uncontrollably with your bestie or partner when they’re clearly having a good time. Working out with others can bring those same reactions. Exercising with a friend can be a real motivator for those involved. Not only are you showing up for yourself, but you’re also supporting each other.
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Your Heart Needs Your Love

on Feb 1, 2023 5:01:01 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Coronary heart disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease in the US and continues to be the leading cause of death in the country. Changing lifestyle behavior by choosing healthier foods, being physically active, losing weight and quitting tobacco are the keys to prevention and management of this condition. It is not as difficult as you might think! Instead of making big changes all at once, try to make one small change at a time and try to be consistent on a daily basis.
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Be a healthier, happier you this year!

on Jan 16, 2023 2:13:27 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
Strategy and motivation are everything when it comes to keeping New Year’s health resolutions. I’d like to tell you that it is simple but change rarely is as we are battling a lifetime of habits. Health, sports, and psychology journals are replete with articles on motivation and the human psyche. Much to my surprise, when I was interviewing world class athletes for my doctoral dissertation, motivation was a frequent theme that came up. I always thought elite athletes were just driven people with no need of motivational techniques whatsoever. Au contraire. The methods that these successful athletes use are not just ones that are beneficial to world class sportsmen and women but are applicable to average-everyday-citizens also. Using the templet of Northwestern Medicine’s article’s suggestions in, “Successful Strategies to Meet Your Goals,” (and my own commentary,) the tools are clearly workable for anyone, elite athlete or average-everyday-citizen.
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Make Your Dietary Change a Lifelong Habit

on Jan 2, 2023 2:23:58 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Every year weight loss makes one of the top New Year’s resolutions in America. And yet, every year this is one of the resolutions that many abandon before the first buds of spring arrive.
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What Does TLC in 2023 Mean?

on Jan 2, 2023 1:49:11 PM By | Tracy Dumas. | 0 Comments |
The last few years have been filled with being mindful of others. Whether it was caring for children, aging parents, or learning how to manage work-life balance with your partner while you’re both working from home, you’ve probably adopted some different ways of living since March 2020. But have you lost yourself in the process?
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Avoid Stress Eating Over the Holidays

on Dec 4, 2022 4:13:53 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The joys of the holiday season are usually paired with the stress of trying to do last-minute shopping, preparing for gatherings or visitors, travel or the rush to send out holiday greeting cards. Unfortunately, this stress contributes to making poor dietary choices. With so many high calorie holiday treats offered at social events during the holiday season, the temptation to partake is irresistible. For many people, weight shed during the year mysteriously returns come January. Each year the cycle repeats; but, it is possible to break the cycle. Why not enjoy these annual festivities without feeling guilty on January 2nd? Here are some tips to consider:
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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

on Oct 31, 2022 11:36:53 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The incidence of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes continues to rise in this country. Weight loss through healthy eating, physical activity, and good sleep habits can help manage and in some cases, reverse the condition. However, consumption of highly processed foods is not declining, contributing to our population growing heavier each year.
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Be Prepared, the Alaskan Winter is Almost Here!

on Oct 26, 2022 10:19:16 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
No doubt about it, winter is around the corner. This means a whole host of measures are in the works for Alaskans to get ready. Getting ready for winter means a wide variety of preparations. We drilled hooks into our garage ceiling to hang the bikes up and make room for one of the cars. The chimney will get inspected, the fireplace cleaned, and wood delivered. Carpets are shampooed, closets sorted out. Coats are donated to the homeless shelters along with hats, gloves, and scarves. The tires on the cars have been replaced with studded tires along with the oil changed and the various fluids checked. The pantry has been well stocked with non-perishable foods to reduce driving on ice and facilitate the ease of making meals. My neighbors are even insulating their garage and ceilings to reduce their heating costs.
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Eating Healthy While Eating Out

on Sep 30, 2022 3:16:03 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The end-of-year holidays are just around the corner with all the attendant festivities featuring high-calorie food and drink. Many people regain all the weight lost during the more active spring and summer months plus a few more during the coming season of revelry.
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Why I Run

I have been asked many times why I smile when I run. Truthfully, I have no idea, and in fact, I don’t even know that I am smiling when I run 90% of the time. I can tell you that I have loved running for more than 30 years and sincerely hope I have at least 20 more years left in these legs. My running routine was acquired over time, but the smile comes naturally along with those jogging steps.
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Go Fish!

Summer in Alaska is the perfect time for outdoor activities, and going fishing is one of them. We are fortunate to have an abundance of different types of fish here, and I hope you had the chance to harvest your own. For the first time this year, I caught my weight in red salmon. While fishing, it was delightful to hear people exchanging recipes on the beach. Another popular topic was the health benefits of salmon.
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Easy Ways to Spend More Time Outside

There is nothing like a stretch of summer sunshine to inspire Alaskans to venture outside. For some, it’s difficult to transition to new routines and new outdoor options. I get it! You like your gym routine, don’t want to get dirty, don’t have the right shoes/equipment … trust me, I have said all those things and more to talk myself out of going, but over time I have realized that there are just so many ways to get after it in Alaska and summers are short, so we must take advantage of every opportunity. Despite the good weather, motivation can still be an issue, and I also hear you on that one. I polled my family and some friends for recommended strategies and outings for these warmer temps.
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3 Ways to Make Your BBQs Healthier

To make the most of summer, get together with family and friends for a barbecue. Instead of the usual hamburger, ribs, hot dogs, and sausages, you can be creative and make it healthier by grilling more fish, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. By adding fruits and vegetables, you add more color, variety, flavor, and nutrients. You may be surprised to find out that grilling fruits and vegetables can actually enhance their sweet flavor.
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Pedal Your Way to a Better You!

Sick of high gas prices? What if I told you there was a way to save money & improve your health? How? Well, you need to kick yourself into gear and grab a BIKE! Regularly cycling can improve your life expectancy, aid in mental health, improve respiratory systems, reduce heart disease, and help your overall health and weight loss journey.
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How to Role Model Daily Exercise with your Kids

I am a mother to three children, who were all born within three years (2006-2009). I was in “advanced maternal age” when I had my first baby, so my husband and I went for it and had two more without thinking about it because we didn’t have time to waste. Parenthood is amazing in all the ways everyone promised it would be, except it isn’t always amazing for the workout routine! I am happy to share some strategies I employed to survive and stay in sort-of “good” shape and sane…. And also share some of my favorite moments doing events with my kids.
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From Mrs. Alaska Pageant to Breast Cancer Combatant

on Jun 10, 2022 12:00:00 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | healthy living disease breast cancer awareness
On May 14th, I had the honor of participating in the Mrs. Alaska 2022 pageant facilitated by the generous sponsorship of the Alaska Club. While I did not win the title, I won something that, in my view, is far more prestigious– the “Woman of Achievement 2022” award. This title is given to those who the judges considered worthy of recognition for their life’s accomplishments, and I am honored to have received it. When I entered the pageant, I was ambivalent about winning anything. Still, I felt drawn to the pageant’s emphasis on women having a strong sense of mission, physical fitness, and the resulting elevation of their self-esteem.
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