October is breast cancer awareness month, and The Alaska Club is 100% on board! On Friday, October the 27th, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, the Zumba members will be dancing like there’s no tomorrow at the “Party in Pink Zumbathon” at The Alaska Club South. There’s nothing more fun than a group of people dedicated to a cause while dancing with wild abandon! Also consider calling the Providence Imaging Center for a 20-minute mammogram that as of November 1 can now be easily conducted in the mobile mammogram van! This simple and easy procedure can be a lifesaving one as it is an important tool in the early detection of breast abnormalities.
While one in eight women are at risk for contracting breast cancer, we can fully empower ourselves to be proactive in preventing this disease. Rather than the sword of Damocles hanging over our collective heads, let us embark instead on a journey of improving our health. Breast cancer prevention starts with healthy living. Substantial evidence-based research supports the fact that exercise can significantly reduce one’s risk of getting breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends 300 minutes of moderate exercise a week. The Alaska Club provides a whole host of opportunities to fulfill those 300 minutes. Classes on Zumba and yoga, as well as facilities for weightlifting, cardio, swimming, racquetball, tennis, and a walking path provide an abundance of avenues to handily fulfill what amounts to five days of one hour daily of physical activity. This not only makes you feel better, be more selective about your food choices and sleep deeper, but it will keep your body at its optimum functioning capacity. Of the prevention measures mentioned by the American Cancer Society, exercise is number one!
Factors such as a family history of breast cancer, smoking and alcohol consumption also increase one’s risk. What is remarkable is that even family history can be mitigated by an active lifestyle, and it is important to note that most women who get breast cancer, do not have a family history of the disease. Sedentary living, smoking and alcohol consumption are easy controllable contributors. There are many resources too numerous to mention here to assist with these health risks. The Alaska Club is a great start to a healthier lifestyle as many people have seen their health improve due to consistent physical exercise. People who exercise are more likely to improve their diet, cease smoking and reduce their alcohol consumption.
As a perennial optimist, I noted that if my risks are higher because white northern European women who are taller and have a family member who had breast cancer doubles my chances of developing this disease, my odds of NOT getting it are still pretty good. Why? Doubling the risk puts me at about a 25% likelihood of developing breast cancer. This means my odds of not getting it are 75%. The power of my choices is my salvation. I enjoy a good swim every morning at the club and vigorous hikes with my dog in the woods afterwards. Wintertime finds me gravitating more and more to the numerous options at The Alaska Club. My diet is loaded with foods rich in antioxidants: fresh green leafy vegetables, fruits, fish, and poultry. I am absolutely religious about my annual screenings. My other secret weapon is my cadre of friends. I reach out to family and friends each and every day. This buffers any sense of isolation and being encumbered by stress that threatens to wear me down, not to mention weaken my immunity system.
Living a life of prevention is multi-faceted. Practice prevention through mammogram screenings. Enjoy the exhilaration of movement. Eat sumptuous foods that support your health. Stay close to those you love and who love you and cultivate a sense of gratitude. We can defeat this disease. We can choose to live our best lives now and be free of cancer. See you at The Alaska Club South on the 27th, and don’t forget to wear pink!