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Member Testimonials

Celebrating Your Stories

Here are just a few stories from our members: congratulations on your successes and keep up the great work!

Now welcoming testimonials: click to send us your story here >



I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional service I have received at your facility, specifically highlighting the outstanding contributions of my personal trainer, Marzel.


Since beginning my personal training journey with Marzel in 2022, I have not only seen significant improvements in my fitness but also recovered from two challenging leg injuries, thanks to his expertise and guidance. Marzel's deep knowledge and dedication to fitness have made a profound impact on my health and well-being.


What impresses me the most is how Marzel excels at multitasking and managing his responsibilities while maintaining the highest level of service. His ability to juggle various tasks without compromising on quality is nothing short of remarkable. It's clear to see that he takes great pride in his work and is driven by a strong, self-motivated desire to succeed — a trait that he never falters in, as he is consistently diligent and focused.


I must add, with a light-hearted warning, that his exemplary performance has not gone unnoticed. In the future, when I venture into opening my own business, I might just have to convince Marzel to join my team. Watch out, Alaska Club!


Thank you once again for fostering such a supportive and professional environment, and for having a trainer as exceptional as Marzel on your team. His hard work and dedication deserve all the recognition.


Warm regards,

Emily Reynolds

Active Member

At the start of 2024 I had hip replacement surgery. I chose the Alaska club as my resource for rehabilitation. Not only did they have the exercise equipment that I needed but they also had red light therapy, cryotherapy, water massage chairs, a steam room and sauna. The staff was incredibly helpful in accommodating my needs as I was using a cane to get around. Thanks to the resources at the Alaska club, I was able to return to work four weeks after the surgery. I am now preparing for another surgery to replace the other hip and I am grateful for the 24-hour access that allows me to do my physical therapy in the morning before work and before the kids wake up.

"Thanks to the resources at the Alaska club, I was able to return to work four weeks after the surgery."

Jared Lee

Active Member

I joined the Alaska Club about a year ago and am thrilled to share that for the first time in my life, this is the first gym membership that I am consistently using. Even though the cost is steep, I find I prefer this club to the cheaper options for various reasons. I recently had to take 6 weeks off of heavy lifting to recover from an unexpected surgery. I'm happy to report that I was actually missing the gym and as soon as I could resume my weight lifting workouts, I was back at it! I love the Jewel Lake location because it is small, clean and rarely crowded. The members seem to respect the space and look after it since it is unstaffed. While sometimes small fitness items seem to go missing, staff always respond to my emails and have replaced the items. Upgrades and improvements are currently being made which is exciting. While Jewel Lake is my go to location, I do plan on visiting the other locations this winter for much needed sauna time.

"I love the Jewel Lake location because it is small, clean and rarely crowded"

Gypsy Gardner

I measure success from my Group Power workouts by how much it adds to my enjoyment of life.  I am giving Group Power big points today after I successfully (and gracefully) stood up on a paddleboard at Big Lake last weekend. The last time I tried, two years ago, was embarrassing for me and hilarious to those watching. Last year after Labor Day, I started going to Group Power 2 times a week at Alaska Club West, and online yoga 1-2 times a week. I started running in April this year.  The year of fitness kept me healthy and sane during the pandemic. Now, in my sixth decade of life, I have the time and the body to enjoy activities like paddleboarding, hiking, and fishing. Thank you for supporting my fitness with both technical excellence and humor that was much needed during the pandemic. Stacey is one of my favorite instructors!

"I measure success from my Group Power workouts by how much it adds to my enjoyment of life."

Judy K

For the past 15 years, I’ve been making excuses and saying “one day I’ll get back in the shape.” I decided to invest in myself by working with a trainer at The Alaska Club. I was making awesome progress when the pandemic hit. I spent a couple of months trying to figure out how I could continue my training and stay healthy for my kids while my husband was deployed. One day, Hannah gave me a call to see if I would be interested in doing some virtual personal training (VPT) over Zoom. I wasn’t sure how the virtual sessions would work, but my concerns quickly faded when I realized I could still progress, even from home. Hannah continued to push me and formulate workouts just for me. She is able to correct my form and encourage me just as if I were in the gym with her. I have gained so much strength in these few months, and I can tell a huge difference in my everyday activities and with my agility. My 13-year old talks about how much muscle I have now, and I just hope that I can inspire her to dedicate time and effort to her own fitness as she grows. My confidence and health is worth it, and I’m so glad I can work with Hannah!

"Hannah continued to push me and formulate workouts just for me. She is able to correct my form and encourage me just as if I were in the gym with her."

Amanda Cunniff

I'd like to thank my personal trainer Yvonne for helping to make my retirement healthier and my Alaska Club membership more rewarding. I enjoy playing tennis, and Yvonne structures workouts to improve my balance, agility, and strength on the tennis court. I've also learned how to incorporate in my workouts many of what had heretofore been strange and mysterious equipment (pulleys, medicine balls, elastic cords, balancing bubbles) in the open part of the weight room. I look forward to our workouts, which Yvonne adjusts to account for my periodic injuries and I'd like to think my increasing aptitude with some particular exercises. Yvonne also recommends and helps my set goals for a cardio regimen, diet adjustments, and abdominal exercises between workouts. In sum, over the past year of training with Yvonne, I feel healthier, stronger, and steadier both on and off the tennis court.

"I'd like to thank my personal trainer Yvonne for helping to make my retirement healthier and my Alaska Club membership more rewarding."

Greg Bidwell

I've been a marathon and ultra-marathon runner for years and have always enjoyed working out at the Alaska Club. Each season improved running has without a doubt been the super important end goal, but the challenge has always been finding different ways to reach my goal that DID NOT involve the treadmill or endless walking-lunges. Through the years I've enjoyed and often times not enjoyed yoga, swimming, strength, HIIT, resistance bands, the machines, dumbbells, barbells, cables, rollers, kettlebells, Bosu, outside gym, the Skierg, those nasty ropes that I don't know what they are named, the TRX (awesome!!), rowing ️machines, treadmill, stair machine, "racing up and down" the regular stairs (thanks to Justice!) and my all-time love-hate favorite the S-Drive treadmill. It's a miracle machine but not without a price. Crazy hard, I dare you to try it. 30 seconds as fast as you can, you'll see, it's hard! Anyway, since I don't have the drive to get in there and workout on my own I decided to work with one of the new trainers this year, Matt G. Young guy (I'm a little over 40) with a ton of energy and undeniable desire to help you define and reach your goals (ok, I might be over 50). Some of my goals might be a little far-fetched (human flagpole anyone?) but he doesn't care. He is willing to help me get there, one baby step at a time (all right, I'm closer to 60 than 55). Bottom line, I like exercising and I can say, without a doubt, Matt is an excellent trainer. He knows what he's doing, he helps you figure out what your goals are, he knows the machines, knows how to space out the exercises for optimal results. But most of all, he makes it fun, even when it's not (I'm talking to you, S-Drive!). Thanks, JEP

"Bottom line, I like exercising and I can say, without a doubt, Matt is an excellent trainer."

Janet Petersen

 First, above all, I’d like to thank The Alaska Club for providing me with the wonderful opportunity, to not only reach my fitness goals, but the opportunity to win such an awesome prize. Two years ago I joined Alaska Club because I knew that I would soon be getting trained in a bulldozer at my job at Fort Knox. Currently there aren’t any female bulldozer operators and there hasn’t been for some time. I knew I needed to get in shape so I wouldn’t suffer an injury, causing me and any women in the future, to miss out on the privilege of running support and loading equipment. That’s when I hired Tara as my personal trainer, and it was the best money I ever spent. She immediately started working on my balance, which I had no idea how little I had not to mention helping me develop a strong core. I truly believe I wouldn’t have continued at the gym and would have very well passed up running the dozer if it had not been for her encouragement and awesome work out plans.
After my contract was up with Tara, I kept at the gym, but wasn’t quite where I wanted to be fitness wise. I never quite liked how I looked in pictures, or how my clothes fit. My boyfriend and I had returned from seeing the McGregor/Khabib fight, where I OVER indulged, and I hadn’t been to the gym in two weeks, when Tara contacted me and asked if I wanted to participate in this contest. It was perfect timing. It all comes back to two things: diet and exercise.
Tara had recently competed in the bikini body building competition so I asked her to send me her diet she used while training, which is the 12 week bikini competition diet. To put mildly, it’s bland. I ate portion controlled meals five times a day - meal prepping drove me crazy!  Once I had it down though, it was easier because I always had my prepped food with me. I also had a plan on where I could purchase acceptable foods on the run. If I didn’t plan ahead I knew I was setting myself up for hunger or failure. If my girlfriends wanted to go to lunch, I made sure it was a place that had a “lighter side” option, and I mentally prepared myself for Thanksgiving and parties where I knew there’d be temptation.

As far as exercise goes, I stuck with building muscle to burn fat. No matter where you build muscle the fat comes off everywhere. I started lifting free weights with two male friends from work, one who is very knowledgeable in body building and fitness. I quickly realized I was seeing the best and fastest results in my upper body, so I made that my primary focus. I would end each session by doing a burn out with planks, side planks, planks, side planks, planks, planks, planks – you get it! I’ve always avoided planks like the plague, now, I love them! The easier they got-the more I increased my plank time. If you hate the exercise-then that’s the one you should be doing.

Whatever you’re doing concentrate on:

  1. Your technique instead of heavier weight.
  2. ALWAYS finish the reps, even if you drop down to 5lb weights, then 3lb weights… then let your muscles rest one minute between sets. 

When I felt fed up, I would think of Tara. I’m still in awe of how this woman has five children, one of which is special needs, and a husband who would be training and deploying with the military nonstop. She did this diet for FOUR months while training for a body building competition. She will never know how much strength I drew from her. She inspired me to put aside my excuses and believe in myself. I have been making big financial plans for years, I now know 2019 is the year it’s going to take off. This experience has showed me I can dig deeper than I ever imagined and have more discipline and self-control then I ever thought possible. I won’t lie, it was very mentally and emotionally difficult at times. I received support where I never expected, but I also was hurt and ridiculed by people I thought I could lean on. I’m going to continue with my training and keep this new relationship I have with food. My mind is clearer, I’m sharper, and I’m in control of my actions and emotions.

At age 44 I can say I really like myself and I’m proud of myself. I’m excited for my future and am eternally grateful to my parents for teaching me the importance of a strong work ethic, and most importantly to my father for never letting me be a quitter. Set your goal, get an achievable game plan together, and stick to it! You WILL succeed.

This experience has showed me I can dig deeper than I ever imagined and have more discipline and self-control then I ever thought possible.

Kristine Lamper

With Personal Trainer Stephen

Working with a personal trainer has been awesome!  It was a fun process and I'm loving the results. I decided to add strength training to my fitness routine.  I was intimidated because I hadn't lifted weights before, and I wanted to do it correctly so I wouldn't injure myself. I learned so much while working with Stephen. He listened to my goals and helped me feel comfortable taking on a new challenge. Now I am stronger overall and my posture is better.  Training has translated into other areas as well. I love to swim and now my swim times are faster. I can bike and hike more easily, and my endurance is better.  I've become a fan and will continue to keep strength as part of my routine. Super. Fun. Thank you, Stephen!

Laura Potter

I began working with Zach in April 2018 and my primary goal was to maintain my weight loss and improve my overall strength. Working with Zach twice a week and also attending AK Club Team Training has played an intricate roll in reaching my fitness goals. Zach designed a specific program for me to follow and has been a pleasant to work with each session. I have improved my overall strength tremendously. I am able to bench and squat more than I ever have. My posture has improved and clothes fit wonderful. Zach is always on time, pleasant and prepared for my session. His coaching style is great at helping me to perform each exercise correctly for the maximum benefit. I always feeling the workout is challenging but never unattainable. I recommend Zach Ferntheil to anyone who is interested in having a conscientious personal trainer to build their overall strength performance.

"I have improved my overall strength tremendously. I am able to bench and squat more than I ever have. My posture has improved and clothes fit wonderful."

John McKinnon

I want to give a shout out to my personal trainer, Dayton. I've been working with Dayton for several months with the goal of regaining strength and range of motion post hip replacement surgery. Dayton is timely and always smiling. He knows the difference between pushing one for motivation as well as pulling back when needed. He explains as well as demonstrates exercises and consistently changes the routine to keep it interesting. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with him and look forward to our sessions. I highly recommend Dayton for any training services for people of all ages and abilities.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with him and look forward to our sessions."

Tricia Johnson

I can't say enough about how much I appreciate Stacy. She is organized, professional, and a true joy to work with. I feel stronger and healthier than I have in years. She developed a customized program for me that has been amazing. I highly recommend her!

"I feel stronger and healthier than I have in years."

Kameron Perez-Verdia

I have been in reasonably good shape most of my life (I’m a field biologist), but when I reached my 50s, the weight really started to pack on. When the scale read 156 lbs for a 5’3” frame, I had a sort of freak-out moment where I realized if I didn’t change course soon, I could get to the point where losing weight is a real challenge (my sister had bariatric surgery and my brother is obese, so some family history with this issue). Plus, being a biologist, I was aware of all the health problems associated with being overweight. So I started taking the 6:15am Insanity® class at the Alaska Club with your instructor Jonal and although my whole body was sore for the first 2 weeks, it was the kind of soreness that says you are working all of your muscles; I loved it. Nevertheless, I still felt like something was missing. I decided to take the plunge and learn how to work with free weights, with personal trainer June Dewese. Less than a year into the training, I broke my ankle skiing and had to have surgery and a cast. I was so motivated to stick with my training that I continued to exercise. June showed me how to do modified exercises with my cast on. Then June and I worked together to get my strength back for when the cast came off as well as after the cast came off. Within 3½ months, I was back to hiking cross-country in the Susitna River valley. I am convinced my rapid recovery was due to my strength training. At age 55, I am 15 lbs lighter than when I started, have lost 8 inches in my waist, arms, and thighs, lost 5% body fat but gained lean muscle throughout my body and I am probably in the best shape I have ever been in. A recent bone density scan revealed I am still in the normal range, which for women my age is fantastic. My fitness training has been a life-changing experience that inspires me to set new goals and find ways to stay active wherever I am.

"I am convinced my rapid recovery was due to my strength training."

Janet Kidd

A few years ago: It was a day like every other. My husband and I made dinner, watched some tv, walked the dog, and went to bed. A week or so later I woke up and had no idea where I was. I hurt everywhere and could barely move my legs. As it turns out I had severe spinal stenosis and was in the hospital. I have no memory of how I got there (I later learned) and once I got the story my first thought was "I hope I was nice to everyone". Once I was discharged it was on to Cognitive Therapy and Physical Therapy. Progress was slow but I had to do it. I spoke to my Physical Therapist (Brooke) and asked her about exercises that I could do at the gym. I got a trainer and went to work! Now I am doing great! I am done with both Physical and Cognitive therapies. I was "on a roll" and decided to stick with my training at The Alaska Club (we were already members). Yvonne and I get together a couple of times a week and it's great! Strength, endurance, and weight loss. It's hard but it's fun and it's worth it. Most importantly, this is a lifestyle change, not just a band-aid. I learn more every session. Thank you Alaska Club & Thank you, Yvonne.

"Strength, endurance, and weight loss. It's hard but it's fun and it's worth it."

Kimberly Murphy

With The Alaska Club Personal Trainer Joelle Miller

First, I would like to thank The Alaska Club for allowing Any Time Fitness members to transfer their membership. With this transfer, I have been able to continue work with my trainer, Joelle Miller. Her patience, knowledge and experience working with a wide range of abilities has greatly helped me.

Initially I had joined Any Time Fitness to help maintain my fitness for my profession. When I first joined the gym I was not interested in a personal trainer, as I thought that I could do it myself. I have worked for State of Alaska, Division of Forestry with forestry/wild-land fire for over 20 years. My various firefighting jobs require that I maintain a physically fit stature. Early in my wild-land fire career I was required to pass an arduous test (3 miles within 45 minutes, with a 45 lb pack). Now, I work in management, which requires a lighter assessment (1 mile walk in less than 15 minutes) to maintain my red-card qualifications. I am also a member of the Incident Management Team (IMT). The Alaska IMT can be mobilized at a moment’s notice. Assignments can be in Alaska, as well as in the lower 48. An assignment can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 30 days. In 2018, before I left on a three-week dispatch assignment, Joelle provided me with an exercise program that could completed in a hotel room.

Now as I grow older, staying fit has become more challenging. Throughout the years and many trials and tribulations, I have realized that my previous fitness strategy was not sustainable.  In my 40’s I started running local 10K’s and sometimes marathons. I thought that by running I was “fit”, but in truth this strategy held many falsehoods. 1996 was my first episode with cancer, soft tissue sarcoma of the foot. I had several recurrences leading up to 2011, but was able to maintain remission for a better part of the decade. I’ve also had other struggles, such as a broken elbow, dislocated shoulder and in the fall of 2018, a broken wrist. Currently, I am dealing with metastasized breast cancer that developed in my spine. I had been initially diagnosed in 2006 with breast cancer DCIS, and in 2019 I found that the cancer had returned posing the risk of my mobility by not being able to walk or run.

I worked with Joelle first at Any Time Fitness and now The Alaska Club. She has helped me to develop a whole-body fitness regimen. Working with both my strengths and weakness through each undertaking, Joelle has assisted and guided me to regain my strength. Under the directions of my physicians and physical therapists, Joelle and I are currently working towards a plan to rebuild my strength.

The gym and my personal trainer are two reasons that have helped me survive both emotionally and physically. As I mentioned last February, I was bed ridden; Tumors had weakened my spine, I used a walker and at one time, I was on portable oxygen. After the radiation, oral chemo drugs and physical therapy, my medical team gave the approval to get back into the gym. I WAS SO HAPPY! It has been a slow progress, but it was an upward progression. My new physical fitness goals are so different from my past marathon training. These new goals are just as tough or even tougher. I have learned moderation and started with little steps. Just getting to the ground and getting myself off of the ground has been a huge milestone. To my family and friends, I describe this scenario as a “turtle lying on its shell”.

I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to take that first step and start, or re-start an exercise regimen, join a gym and take advantage of the gym’s personal trainers on staff. You may feel that your physical limitations will prevent or hinder your ability, or that you won’t fit in. This is not true. I can attest that one-on-one personal training is extremely beneficial. I have also observed and witnessed two friends working with a trainer helped each other achieve their goal to run a 10K. I am extremely thankful for the emotional support and assistance that Joelle has given me in achieving my goals through the years.

"I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to take that first step and start, or re-start an exercise regimen, join a gym and take advantage of the gym’s personal trainers on staff."

Kathryn Pyne

I met Heather in November 2016 after I requested a trainer to help me work towards general fitness goals. I was 50 years old and someone who had been a workaholic for decades, juggling a large job and 60+ hour weeks. My job was largely sedentary as I worked in an office setting and most of my time was spent at a desk or in conference rooms and meetings. I had reached a point in my life where I had forgotten what it felt like to have muscles or a core, range of mobility, balance, strength and stamina. I love to fish but frankly, I was in terrible shape.

What I appreciate about Heather is she is a very clear communicator and listener, she is also responsive to her client's feedback and she adjusts the workout, as needed, to either challenge or tailor the workout to her client's capabilities or problem zones (old injuries or chronic pain areas, etc). In the past, I have worked with personal trainers at other gyms in the lower 48 who pushed me to the point of injury or designed the workout with maximum burn and intensity in mind. Heather pushed me but it felt like encouragement. She encouraged me to smile when that was the last thing I felt like doing! She shared healthy living tips and was overall, a wonderful coach, trainer, and friend who helped me learn how to be a healthier and active person both inside and outside of the gym.

Last summer, I took my 81 year old mom salmon dip netting and I single-handedly had to push over 90 lbs of salmon in a cooler up the soft sand slope to the parking area - probably 100-150 feet. I felt like my heart would burst but I kept thinking about Heather saying "come on Marian, do this! You've got this!" and I somehow made it to the parking area without collapsing. I had many such moments throughout the past year and I was grateful to have worked towards better health and fitness.

I have decided to end my personal training because it's been 19 months and it's time for me to own my exercise and healthier living. I appreciate all that Heather has done to help me get to this point and I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to train with a trainer.

"She shared healthy living tips and was overall, a wonderful coach, trainer, and friend who helped me learn how to be a healthier and active person both inside and outside of the gym."

Marian Jones

From The Alaska Club Personal Trainer Cameron Allen

Coming into training, Sam wanted to gain upper body strength and lose body fat. In 4 months of hard work and dedication, Sam went from 22% body fat to 9% and pushes 50 lb dumbbells! He wants to continue working on his upper body strength and gain more control and understanding over his diet which will help him achieve his desired body fat results.

"In 4 months of hard work and dedication, Sam went from 22% body fat to 9% and pushes 50 lb dumbbells!"

Sam Atencio

I decided to start working with a personal trainer to help work on my strength and push me to get better. I started working with Kaden and he’s been fantastic. Extremely professional, listens to you to customize a plan that fits your goals and needs, and helps set you up for success. I may be taking the summer off with schedules and travel but looking forward to getting back at it in the fall. I’ve been able to do things with weights I’ve never been able to accomplish before.

"Extremely professional, listens to you to customize a plan that fits your goals and needs, and helps set you up for success."

Jess Wobick

Chris provides an excellent work out conscious of his clients condition and abilities.  He is very accommodating in his scheduling and always prompt.  The variety of exercises he has introduced me, I believe, are right in line with my needs.

Adam Sholton

Active Member

We currently have a family membership and we all love it. I started winter and summer mountain bike racing a few years ago and soon realized I needed to do something to gain strength, power, and endurance. I already do a lot of biking but I noticed I cramped a lot after going 20-30 miles into my long distance races. I promptly signed up for a three month commitment with a personal trainer, Mr. Enrico Valdez, at the West Club location and that is where my biking fitness journey began.

Enrico and I sat down together and went over my goals for our three month sessions-where we met up once every Monday for full body strength and conditioning targeting the muscles that needed strengthening for long distance races. Enrico built me personalized strength training workout routines catering to my biking endurance goals.

I worked out on my own in the gym Wednesdays and Fridays, and I was on the bike outside Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with rest on Sundays. Meeting up with him every week to check in has proven to be invaluable to the success of my workout goals, allowing him to fine tune the exercises, sets and reps, along the way to improving my overall fitness on the bike.

In fact, I just rode my fastest 10k last night on my gravel bike. Enrico's personality is infectious; he gets me pumped up to work out, he's very personable and always pushes me to the next level on our Monday workouts. He is great with demonstrating proper lifting technique so that I'm able to squeeze every benefit out of each rep.

I've also seen him with other clients and I truly believe he loves what he's doing, pulling the absolute best out of each of us in the gym to reach our full potential. I look forward to recommitting next month with Enrico - continuing to enhance my strength and endurance on the bike.

Sean Palmer

Active Member

As a longtime member, The Alaska Club has done more than anything else to keep me healthy and fit. I thank you for that. 

I love the indoor track at East Club, especially on days when it’s snowing and winds are howling.  Due to consistent workouts, I’ve been able to stay reasonably fit, eliminate back pain and get the lift that regular exercise provides.  I probably don’t use a tenth of the things Alaska Club provides, but I am glad they are there.

Appreciate it. Keep up the good work.

"As a longtime member, The Alaska Club has done more than anything else to keep me healthy and fit. I thank you for that."

Mike Campbell

Longtime member

On January 26th I had a sudden total knee replacement.  Due to COVID, PT facilities were unavailable to patients outside appointments, so a few weeks post-surgery I was back at the gym using a stationary bike.  The gym has become my go-to location most days for exercise (basic entertainment) outside of PT visits.  At 7-weeks post-surgery, my physical recovery was assessed as if it had been at 12-weeks, and now I’m working more on fine motor skills and building strength.  I’m at The Alaska Club every day that I’m not at work.  I believe my mobility would not be as advanced, and the probability of resuming normal activities so soon, would not be as obtainable had it not been for the use of your facility.  I just wanted to share how much I value The Alaska Club in Wasilla, including the uneven hallway walk-about. 

"I believe my mobility would not be as advanced, and the probability of resuming normal activities so soon, would not be as obtainable had it not been for the use of your facility."

Janet Whitfield

For the last six months I have been doing personal training with Matt. While I have tried to be consistent with working out over the years, I have not been successful in keeping weight off as I have gotten older. Being in my late 50’s, my goal has been to lose weight, increase bone density, and maintain physical fitness. Ultimately, I want to be hiking when I am in my 80’s and 90’s and able to play with the grandkids when they come along. In my time working with Matt, I have lost 4% body fat. I am seeing muscle definition where I never have and am lifting more weight than ever. His workouts are different every time we meet and he pushes me to a level that provides consistent improvement. What I have learned from the personal training has helped improve the workouts that I do on my own and maintain the forward progress. I would highly recommend Matt and personal training as a way to improve overall fitness.

"What I have learned from the personal training has helped improve the workouts that I do on my own and maintain the forward progress."

Carla Dudley

This letter of commendation and appreciation for Personal Trainer Justin Toenes is long overdue. Having had the opportunity to work with at least five other trainers in the past several years at TAC, I know that you hire excellent trainers because I enjoyed working with every one of mine at the various clubs. Justin, however, surpasses all expectations and it's time I let you know just what a fantastic job he does for the club and his clients. You might even say he stands head and shoulders above the rest, but I won't go there! ;)  

Justin accepted me as a client when the previous trainer moved away and from that day I have been so glad to have met him. He is thoroughly professional while making sure that every workout is top shelf with his knowledge, creativity, enthusiastic support and cheerful sense of humor. With all that, he really helps me push my limits - and to make and meet goals. He's careful to keep my workout within limits to avoid injury, but doesn't let me coast either. I very much appreciate how knowledgeable and down-to-earth he is and, knowing my own interest in all things fitness and health, often has new and interesting things to discuss regarding my goals. Besides all this, it's just a blast for me to get to improve myself in each workout with him!

I'd just started exploring the idea of adding weight training to my gym time when I started working with Justin, but it became one of the best things I do for myself due to his skill, expertise and guidance. Every workout is a high-quality workout and that can't be easy since I'm 65 - but that's become a non-issue for me as I pursue new goals and attain them - and I have to give a lot of the credit to Justin. Balance, agility, running, strength, recovery - all of these areas and more are brought together in the time I have working with him; and I'm completely amazed at the improvement when I look back to where I'd started. With all that, I do enjoy every workout; I may get frustrated with my slow pace but he is never anything but encouraging, patient and helpful. And today I have to say that I'm more confident, stronger and fitter than I've ever been as an adult. I even dare to plan on running a Spartan race in the near future. 

Thank you for the high standards in your club; I hope you continue and prosper even with the difficulties in all of our lives these days. I want you to know that in Justin Toenes you have an absolutely terrific asset - and I am grateful for how he's made my life better and healthier.

"Balance, agility, running, strength, recovery - all of these areas and more are brought together in the time I have working with him; and I'm completely amazed at the improvement when I look back to where I'd started."


Jim has been a member for about 4 years and every morning he shoots 200 baskets a day, 100 free throws, and 100 foul shots. Jim started this routine in January 2014 and since then he has lost 220 pounds. Jim is 70 years old, which you’d never know by looking at him. His primary care doctor said that his losing the weight and his workout routine combined, has extended his life by 20 years! He wanted to share his story with others because he believes that at 70 years old, if he can do it, anyone can.

Way to go Jim!

"His primary care doctor said that his losing the weight and his workout routine combined, has extended his life by 20 years!"

Jim Crawford

I've been working with Hannah 1-2 times per week for just over a year. She has helped me turn exercise into something enjoyable and even something I can feel proud of, which has never happened before. I especially appreciate her encouragement and flexibility in scheduling home workouts via Zoom and even outdoor workouts during COVID. Instead of losing ground over the last six months, I have actually made progress. It feels great to be doing something positive for my health during an uncertain time. Thank you Hanna!

"It feels great to be doing something positive for my health during an uncertain time."

Annie Pfahl

I've had a breathing problem for many years and, to my mind, I was gaining too much weight and a general feeling of sluggishness from not being active enough. My personal physician had also been telling me I need to get into a program of regular exercise. When she ran me through a stress test, I was convinced that it was time to stop screwing around by putting off the discipline required for a regular program of physical fitness. I originally signed up about a year ago to work the treadmill as the best way to rebuild my lung capacity. In addition to losing significant weight, I think my lung capacity has improved a great deal over the past year. However, I feel like I need another year to get to the point where I might actually need the help of a personal trainer to get me into a more comprehensive program of fitness. I am feeling much better and much more fit after my year of stead treadmill use. I can take long and difficult hikes once again. I look forward to coming back to The Alaska Club and continuing with my program.

"I am feeling much better and much more fit after my year of stead treadmill use."

Jerry Smetzer

Over the years, Alaska Club has provided so much for our family.  Child Care at the Boniface/Muldoon location to the point our daughter did not want to go home.  She had so much fun and the staff was beyond wonderful.

I also took tennis lessons and entered tennis tournaments; one year during a double tournament, we took first place.  Pretty awesome, I would say. Great staff, great instructors!

My daughter and I also signed up for Personal Trainers, we actually lost 1-2 lbs a week and then gained muscle weight with Breanne and Tanna at the Wasilla Location. The Classes for aerobics and cycle were awesome and grueling, but we loved every minute.

It seems so strange to move away. The Alaska Club has been family. I am sure we will visit or move back: most do, and until then, thank you for being there for us and making a difference.

"Pretty awesome, I would say. Great staff, great instructors!"

Shelly Woodke & Family

From The Alaska Club Personal Trainer Cameron Allen

Amy and I have been working together for 6 months now and she's been nothing but an inspiration. She began her journey over a year ago and so far has lost over 100lbs and nearly 10% body fat! She's committed to the process and continues to strive forward for her success.

"Amy and I have been working together for 6 months now and she's been nothing but an inspiration."

Amy Christopher

With The Alaska Club Personal Trainer Stephen

In November, I had weight loss surgery (Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass) and I knew that in order to achieve long term success, I needed to incorporate exercise into my life. I signed up for personal training in January. I weighed about 390 lb and I was extremely intimidated. I felt like I didn’t ‘belong’ in a gym environment. I was scared to fail.

My trainer Stephen set me at ease right away. He helped me stay positive and was very encouraging. Each month he set lofty goals, and with his help I have achieved every one. I now look forward to coming to the gym. I am able to do things that I NEVER thought I’d be able to do. My current weight is 335lbs. I know that personal training has been essential to my success. I have so much more energy, and confidence that spills over into every aspect of my life. I have come so far in the last four months, and I am very thankful for Stephen’s support and guidance. I’m excited to continue working with him! I recommend Personal Training to everyone, but especially to weight loss surgery patients, or other people who are intimidated by the gym.

The Alaska Club Member Testimonial Maria 2

This July I achieved my biggest goal since I set out on this weight loss journey. Stephen is always challenging me to think about my fitness goals, and when I mentioned that I wanted to climb a mountain, he was immediately on board. We climbed Flattop! He took time out of his own schedule to support me, and encouraged me every (difficult!) step of the way. I really appreciate that Stephen truly cares, and is just as committed to my success as I am. When I started personal training I weighted 390 lbs. I am now 268lbs! I know I would never have been able to climb Flattop without the training and encouragement I received from my excellent personal trainer. Thanks Stephen!

"Stephen is always challenging me to think about my fitness goals, and when I mentioned that I wanted to climb a mountain, he was immediately on board."


Lost 80 lbs and 10 inches exercising at the Wasilla location

I had two heart episodes in July and August of 2016. I went and saw Dr. Skulley and he determined it was a weight issue. I was 5'4 and 240 lbs. My daughter is a dietician student ( graduate in May) and so I combined good eating with proper exercise and the results have been fantastic. I will always be very thankful for the Alaska Club and how it was instrumental in offering varieties of exercising options to keep me motivated (3× week stepper, 2x swim, 1x jump rope).

"I will always be very thankful for the Alaska Club and how it was instrumental in offering varieties of exercising options to keep me motivated"

Robb Robbert

I have always dreamed of having a personal trainer and the day came to just sign up and do it, and I’m so excited I did! I use to play college tennis but haven’t played for 21 years. Recently, I got back into tennis - which is also a great cardio workout. I never had any issues with motivating myself for cardio workouts, but I’ve always struggled with gathering up the motivation to weight train, despite working at a fitness club in my early twenties. Now, I look forward to my PT sessions with Hannah. I actually enjoy them more than doing my cardio workouts, including tennis, and everyone knows I love tennis!

I am about to turn 50 and figured I wouldn’t be able to see lots of results except for maybe getting a bit stronger, which would then reflect in my tennis game. I am so thrilled at the progress I have made in toning and building muscle in such a short time - I really can’t believe it. The more workouts I do, the leaner and more muscular I look. It is incredibly fun to see the progress and hard work pay off as results. Hannah pushes me, and sometimes I feel like I can’t do something, but then she proves I can. Hannah is the best trainer ever, and I look forward to every workout. I can’t wait to find out what this almost 50-year-old is capable of. Thanks Hannah!

"I am so thrilled at the progress I have made in toning and building muscle in such a short time - I really can’t believe it."

April Dent

I have been a member of the Alaska Club for 28 years. For most of those years, I went to the Alaska Club at least three times a week. As I got older, I found it was easy to talk myself out of going and for the past 8 years I was going only once a week. A recent set of surgeries set me even further back. I also noticed my mom, who is now 92, was having more and more difficulty walking and soon became bedridden. I decided I didn’t want to be like that. In 2018 I had both my feet operated on. After completing physical therapy in November that year, I realized I needed to do something to get me back on track with regular exercise. In January 2019, I signed up to work with a personnel trainer three times a week. I’ve been with Yvonne since March of this year and the results have been amazing, even with the two-month break because of the corona virus. I’ve lost weight, my clothes fit better, and I have more endurance and feel stronger. I find that I need the accountability of knowing that Yvonne is expecting me three times a week. And even though there are days I don’t feel like going, I always have such a sense of accomplishment when I’m done. The older one gets, the more important it is to keep moving if you want to stay healthy. Working with Yvonne keeps me on track. Diane Walters - Alaska Club member since 1992.

"The older one gets, the more important it is to keep moving if you want to stay healthy. Working with Yvonne keeps me on track."

Diane Walters

From Stacey Acree Ledgerwood, Personal Trainer

My client Lee-Ann has been training with me since July 2018. She weighed in under 200 pounds this morning, and has lost 95 pounds in the last 11 months. She is much stronger and healthier because of the choices she made. I am wicked proud of her. Lee-Ann, we are so inspired by your perseverance and dedication. You are a constant reminder to always be working towards the life you want to create for yourself!

"She is much stronger and healthier because of the choices she made."


I have always been a generally fit person favoring long distance running and cycling. Strength, balance, and fluid movement were my weaknesses. After years of endurance sports without proper strength training, I start to feel the wear and tear around my large joints, especially my hips.

As part of my postpartum recovery, I started going to The Alaska Club Team Training in October 2016 with the encouragement from my friend Heather Beat.  I became a regular immediately. Team Training works for me, because it’s a fun and challenging strength based program with the perks of personal attention from fitness professionals.  It’s been a year since I started going to Team Training, I can see clear improvements in my strength and movement. Because of the stronger core muscles and better agility, I have also improved my timing in running and cycling. Huge kudos to my trainers: Heather Beat, Carlo Pastena, and Jordan Edwards.

"Team Training works for me, because it’s a fun and challenging strength based program with the perks of personal attention from fitness professionals."

Xindi Benavente

With The Alaska Club Personal Trainer Carlo

I joined the Alaska Club about 7 years ago with the intention of improving my health. My job at the time, which was once active, turned sedentary. My diet along with other habits took a nose dive. I was smoking, eating fast food almost everyday, and enjoyed my evening cocktails (yes, plural). For the first five years, I would go to the gym pretty regularly, but unfocused and with no goals or plan in mind. I had heard that "showing up was 90% of the battle". Not true! The only gains I made were in my waistline and my cholesterol.

In late 2015 I decided enough was enough. I was 60 pounds over weight, and could not walk up a flight of stairs without losing my wind. So, I got a Personal Trainer with the hopes of him helping me stay focused, accountable, and provide me with a plan. What I actually got was so much more. 

Carlo has helped me in so many ways. Yes he helps me be accountable, yes he has a plan for me, and he checks in frequently even when I'm not at the gym to help me stay focused. He and the other Trainers at South have become friends. They are truly interested in helping me be the best me I can be.

I am learning that my health is not a quick fix, but a journey. I'm now excited to see just where my journey leads.

"He and the other Trainers at South have become friends. They are truly interested in helping me be the best me I can be."

Gene Wiseman

My name is Tuyet Smallwood and I am celebrating my one year anniversary with working out with my personal trainer, Andrea Steele. February 26, 2016 is the date that changed my life. I finally summoned up the courage and approached Andrea and told her I had been interested in getting a personal trainer after I had been observing her over several weeks as she worked with one of her clients. I asked her how I could get started with registering for a personal trainer and advised her that I had no idea what I was doing. Immediately, Andrea was very engaged and gave me her phone number and scheduled me for an appointment with her the very next day!

On that day, she asked me about what my goals were, what I had been doing [i.e. physical activities and experiences], diet, and overall health. Honestly, I dreaded this moment: taking measurements! She assured me that we needed a benchmark to measure our progress and track changes. I knew she was right but I felt humbled and ashamed at my starting numbers… UGH…but I truly appreciated her reassuring me that she was not judgmental. She has been so supportive and understanding!

Over the course of the year, I have learned so much from Andrea! She introduced me to machines, equipment, technique, form, vocabulary, and routines. She has completely released me from my “run of the mill routine” and placed me outside of my comfort zone. Through the years, I knew I had to get out of my usual treadmill rut; however, I always felt justified staying there because I thought I was doing “something” and yet I also knew that that “something” wasn’t helping me see any progressive change: I have been in Weight Watchers for about 8 years. My initial starting weight was 148.4 lbs. My best weight in Weight Watchers was at 136 lbs. That was fine and life was great…..but then I broke my leg in March 2015. Unfortunately, I gained weight during the recovery phase. I never returned to 136 lbs. When I first started seeing Andrea, my weight was 146.6 lbs. [A quick side note: my heaviest weight has been a startling 152.8 lbs.] I was clearly unhappy with myself and what was [not] happening.

As Andrea worked with me, I started noticing changes. Other people started noticing changes. First, it was a side- comment here, a small compliment there, a brief conversation here. My clothes started to fit, I actually had to buy smaller clothes, I could wear some of my older clothes in the back of the closet, my overall appearance was changing, and I started feeling better. A year later, my weight is now 130 lbs.! I brag about how awesome Andrea is! I brag about how incredibly patient Andrea is! I tell everyone how enthusiastic she is! I show everyone her fitness – music videos that she sends me and everyone is so amazed at what we can do! She motivates me to stay on course. Andrea has obviously changed my outlook on how to work on exercising, weight change, and nutrition…but she has also changed how I look at myself. I now have confidence in myself and I can set challenges and goals that I would have never done on my own. Running intervals on the treadmill at death defying speeds!!! Who knew?? She is always showing me new things and mixes up the routine with different activities. Am I still afraid and cautious? Of course, I am … but I am also excited and ready because I have a new level of self-esteem that I have gained from Andrea’s coaching.

She has taught me that I can do anything that I can set my sights on: I just need to give it the effort and if at first, I don’t succeed then I should just keep trying! A year later, I know I can push myself beyond a 100% and aim for 110%! I am excited for the next year! My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner!

"I brag about how awesome Andrea is! I brag about how incredibly patient Andrea is! I tell everyone how enthusiastic she is!"

Tuyet Smallwood