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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Why I Run

I have been asked many times why I smile when I run. Truthfully, I have no idea, and in fact, I don’t even know that I am smiling when I run 90% of the time. I can tell you that I have loved running for more than 30 years and sincerely hope I have at least 20 more years left in these legs. My running routine was acquired over time, but the smile comes naturally along with those jogging steps.
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Easy Ways to Spend More Time Outside

There is nothing like a stretch of summer sunshine to inspire Alaskans to venture outside. For some, it’s difficult to transition to new routines and new outdoor options. I get it! You like your gym routine, don’t want to get dirty, don’t have the right shoes/equipment … trust me, I have said all those things and more to talk myself out of going, but over time I have realized that there are just so many ways to get after it in Alaska and summers are short, so we must take advantage of every opportunity. Despite the good weather, motivation can still be an issue, and I also hear you on that one. I polled my family and some friends for recommended strategies and outings for these warmer temps.
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The Benefits of Working Out

on Jun 10, 2020 3:21:47 PM By | The Alaska Club and Medline Plus Contributor | 0 Comments | fitness exercise Outdoor Fitness
We have all heard it many times before - regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you're like many Americans, you're busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven't yet changed your exercise habits, especially during the Pandemic where many of you are stuck at home. The good news is that it's never too late to start. You can start slowly, and find ways to fit more physical activity into your life. To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer. Read the full article posted by Medline Plus here.
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Member Testimonial: Kathryn Pyne

First, I would like to thank The Alaska Club for allowing Any Time Fitness members to transfer their membership. With this transfer, I have been able to continue work with my trainer, Joelle Miller. Her patience, knowledge and experience working with a wide range of abilities has greatly helped me.
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Fitness Trends to Keep Up With in 2020

on Jan 9, 2020 2:48:48 PM By | Katie at Precor | 1 Comment | fitness new years
Checkout this great blog from our fitness partners at Precor!
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12 Days of Fitness Blogpost

on Dec 6, 2019 2:28:37 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | fitness exercise new years
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Interview with Olympic Skier Logan Hanneman | TAC Board

on Sep 10, 2019 12:45:30 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness US Ski Team winter ski exercise
We’ve all heard how big Alaska is. The jokes about Texas and the lower 48 are pretty well versed by every proud 49th state resident. The mountains are big. The rivers are big. The king salmon, the moose, the grizzly and polar bears… yep, you know it. Large and in charge.
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Moving for Memories: Preventing Alzheimer's Disease

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David Norris Comes to Summer Fun Camp

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Less Screen Time, More Play Time

Just two weeks ago, I attended an education conference in New York City on learning and brain activity in youth and children. The chief concern at this conference was the preponderance of screen time, primarily cell phone usage, teachers witness among their students. While studies have not made a direct correlation to the rise of anxiety and depression seen among children and youth to electronic device habits, bullying and obesity have been positively correlated to cell phone usage by these groups. Consistent with these findings is a greater sense of social alienation found among children and teens who are now logging long hours on their electronic devices and becoming sleep-deprived in the process.
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How I Get Ready For Mountain Running Season

Believe it or not, spring is my favorite time of year to train. Despite coming off a long and fatiguing ski racing season, I am always excited to get back to springtime in Alaska. The weather is generally pretty amazing at this time of year- lots of bluebird days that make for great crust skiing in the morning, awesome trail running in the afternoon, and even better corn skiing in the evenings. With such perfect conditions its easy to get carried away recreating and neglect the body- especially when it comes to running. As someone who has struggled with countless overuse injuries throughout the duration of my career, its really important for me to build into my running progression. I’ve found that if I’m not careful about gradually increasing both distance and pace, my minor springtime tweaks turn into long-term injuries that prevent me from training/racing later in the summer. Picking out the right pair shoes from Skinny Raven also helps avoid injuries further down the road.
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Checking in on New Year's Resolutions

on Jan 29, 2019 11:33:05 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Community fitness Gym New Year's Resolution strength training winter
Given up on your resolutions? We may be just a little stymied from our past habits of making unrealistic new year’s resolutions. This is especially true of making new year’s resolutions regarding our health. And the reality of permanent change in health behavior is much different than what we envision it to be. Let’s think about some of these unrealistic expectations which potentially sabotage us, thus preventing us from becoming the kind of health-oriented people we want to be.
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Don’t count on fad diets for long term weight loss

Many people watch their waistlines and experiment with different fad diets to lose weight. While there are anecdotes galore of short-term success, these efforts generally end in weight regained and frustration. Instead of following one of the many crazy diets for temporary weight loss, try the following tips:
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The Benefits of a Morning Exercise Routine

on Nov 2, 2018 9:33:07 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | swimming fitness fitness routine
For three years now, on an average of six days out of the week, you will find me in the Alaska Club pool sometime between 6:45 AM and 7:00 AM, everyday but Sunday. Some days I’m in the water for 20 minutes, some days for an hour. It is simply the most important thing I do to start my day. That kick-back-post-swim-rejuvenation feeling of well-being is so priceless, there is nothing like it. It’s an internal blast of energy that comes seemingly out of nowhere. Most swimmers experience this. I’m not the only one either who knows this and is consistently there at that seemingly ungodly hour. The regulars know each other by face, if not by name. We all have seen the same swim team members, various coaches, water-aerobic teachers, Richard the mechanic who works all night and me, the autopilot teacher. I say autopilot because I convinced myself about three years ago that I would be a better teacher, friend, colleague, wife and person if I peppered my life up with a pre-work work-out. Hence, I jump start my day with some smooth, gentle activity that energizes me in a seemingly non-arduous manner. Sometimes I swim in a lane with Richard and we discuss my crazy brother in Florida, or we just joke incessantly while swimming. The other morning another swimmer gingerly pointed out that my neck tie was precariously untied and we laughed raucously while discussing our mutually embarrassing water experiences. Many times, I simply am entranced in meditative swimming and zone out my surroundings.
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A Decade of Group Power

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Sadie Bjornsen & Her Relationship With The Alaska Club

Summer in Alaska is one of my favorite parts of living here! Even though I am a professional cross country ski racer, summer still takes the cake. With endless daylight comes endless opportunities to adventure. In order to make the most of the summer, I am a believer in preparation. While some may call it "beach bod" season, I call it preparation season. Doing things like hiking, fishing, rafting, and biking require a little bit of strength and stamina to unlock a whole new world of opportunities and locations.
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Three Exercises That Balance Your Fitness Routine With Your Busy Life

on Jun 12, 2018 10:04:01 AM By | Sheila Olson | 0 Comments | swimming fitness summer hiking dance
Every morning you make yourself a protein-powder shake, hit the gym (or your workout room at home) and lift a few hundred pounds in several different exercises, then jump onto the treadmill for some cardio. The next day you might vary the routine somewhat, maybe more cardio and fewer weights. The day after that is more of the same.
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Ruth & Samantha Set Out On a Journey to Change Their Lives

on Nov 1, 2017 2:18:27 PM By | Tina Day | 2 Comments | fitness Clean eating weight loss
We sat down recently with TAC members Ruth & Samantha, two sisters who are on a journey to change their lives. They shared with us how over the years both have struggled with losing weight and keeping it off. It’s a challenge they’re now facing head on!
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Winter is Coming!

on Oct 12, 2017 3:08:41 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness winter
The trees are shedding their gold and the snow is gradually creeping down the mountains. Alaskans are observing animals everywhere kicking into high gear as they ready themselves for a long winter and for the last autumnal rites of mating. People are posting on social media sites of bears foraging in neighborhoods, on heavily frequented trails and simply ambling down roads. Moose are precariously grazing on the Northern Lights Boulevard median, besides the Glenn and Minnesota Boulevard and literally everywhere besides someplace safe. My maternal instinct wants me to urge them away, but with my luck, I’d unwittingly influence them to run into traffic. The Parks Service continues to knock out the valiant efforts of the beavers’ damming projects at University Lake, only to see the dams rebuilt in a few days. All the critters know it’s coming. They’re getting ready.
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Compound Strength Movements for Enhanced Results

on May 19, 2017 9:45:25 AM By | Patrick Curtis | 0 Comments | fitness strength training
While combining activities or exercises for greater benefit is not an entirely new idea—think alternating push-ups with jumping jacks—the fitness industry has seen a tremendous recent growth in high-intensity-interval-training (HIIT) in a variety of forms. One of the key concepts in this method of exercise is combining movements or alternating between two types of work through intervals for greater benefit. The incredible human body will respond to this by getting stronger, faster and more coordinated through the various movements. Another advantage to this type of training is time savings with the ability to target a variety of benefits in one workout. For the purpose of this article we will keep the focus on strength specifically and how to get even better results from combining one or more strength movements—known as ‘compound exercises.’ There are a variety of ways to combine movements with one primary approach including a lower body move in combination with an upper body, effectively creating a ‘total body’ movement. Squats and lunges may be done along with upper body moves to increase balance, control, coordination and, ultimately, functional strength that repeats the moves we make in real life activities.
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Gear Up For Goals

on Apr 5, 2017 2:57:08 PM By | Tina Day | 1 Comment | fitness gym clothes workout
Gym clothes. You have to admit, even when you’re cramming your 20 pairs of leggings or tanks into a drawer, it won’t stop you from buying more. It just seems we can never have enough. But are we buying the right clothes? We can all admit, sometimes we go for style over practicality, which begs the question, what should you really be looking for in your gym apparel?
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7 Reasons to Take a Women's Self Defense Class 

on Jan 4, 2017 12:39:00 PM By | Ellie Gottstein | 1 Comment | fitness self-defense
7 Reasons to Take a Women's Self Defense Class
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Get Started with Twelve Days of Fitness!

on Dec 6, 2016 4:54:16 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | fitness 12 Day of Fitness
It was one year ago almost to the day that I noticed this December Alaska Club promotional on the marquee: “Twelve Days of Fitness for $25” and at first blush I thought, “What’s the point of that?” I drove by the club everyday thinking about this and finally, I decided to convince my couch-potato husband, John, to take advantage of it. Now really, why on earth would anybody want merely twelve days of fitness? That’s it. Twelve days. There is a logic to just twelve days for $25. It’s the no-risk option. I mean, for a non-athlete such as my husband who needed to shed a few pounds, if he didn’t like it, well, it’s only twelve days and it’s only $25. No major gamble there if a person doesn’t like it, right? I think John was nervous that the Alaska Club would be filled with glamorous looking athletic types with natural six-packs who appear as if they have nothing better to do with their time than do two hundred crunches a day and figure out the latest smoothie recipe. Or maybe there would be the type of crowd that enjoyed suffering with grueling exercises.
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Why Wearables Alone Won’t Help Shed Pounds

on Nov 4, 2016 10:17:02 AM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | fitness Gym
Fitbits, Moovs, Jawbones, Apple Watches, and Samsung Gears are on many shopping lists for the holiday season. But, before you grab that hot tech device for Aunt Gladys or include it in your wish list to Santa, ask yourself if that fitness tracker fits into a larger eco-system of health for yourself or Aunt Gladys. Fitness trackers are a fantastic way to track progress and monitor health. Unfortunately, about one-third of fitness trackers are abandoned after about six months, according to research firm Endeavor Partners. Guess you’re getting mittens next year, Aunt Gladys… One reason for that abandonment is that fitness trackers are not a cure-all to all fitness ills and don’t necessarily help with motivation.
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You "Otter" Be Swimming!

on Oct 21, 2016 1:28:04 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | swimming fitness
This fall my husband and I had one of our weekend getaways to Seward. We enjoyed strolling down to the harbor and sauntered about on the docks. We happened upon a young couple from Israel watching no less than seven different otters cavorting about in a semi-enclosed section of the harbor. Two otters were rafting up, one politely holding on to his nap buddy’s foot. Two more were simply tussling and somersaulting about in playful pairing. Another set were snatching shell fish off the docks’ peers not even a yard from our feet, loudly munching the shells like a kid eating Captain Crunch cereal with his mouth open. Each succession of crunching was followed by a quick spin to rinse off the shell debris. But the one otter that fascinated me the most was the one that liked to run interference. He’d glide in and try to disrupt the rafters, inject himself on the two players’ games and seemed mildly interested in the foodies. He just wanted some involvement. Anything and everything was good.
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What Makes a Champ: Sadie Bjornsen

on Sep 16, 2016 12:01:40 PM By | Courtney Harkins | 3 Comments | fitness US Ski Team
From local ski hills to the PyeongChang Olympics, the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) encompasses all athletes that share a passion for skiing and snowboarding. We explore what makes each skier and rider a champion with stories from the U.S. Ski Team, U.S. Snowboarding and U.S. Freeskiing, next to kids winning a NASTAR medal, landing their first cork 7 or joining a club team. Alongside USSA’s mascot Champ, take a look at how all of these athletes strive to be Best in the World. As we continue to explore what makes USSA athletes champions, we’re learning more than we ever expected.
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Family & Fitness Go Together Like Birds of a Feather

on May 9, 2016 5:50:37 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | fitness group fitness family fun
Let's us set the scene: You are in the kitchen trying to make dinner for your little brood. Jimmy is running laps around the house because he thinks "open concept kitchen-living area" really means "the perfect place to see if I can break the sound barrier." Sara, who is usually somewhat sensible, has positioned the cushions from the couch under the stairs to create a soft landing area in case she falls from the banister, which obviously she must climb as if it is some building in a Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible stunt. And of course baby is bouncing quietly, acting like an angel, but giving you a look that says "yeah, just wait until I'm mobile..."
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The Alaska Club – A Favorite Gym of Alaskans!

on Mar 28, 2016 3:28:24 PM By | Patrick Curtis | 0 Comments | fitness Gym
Choosing a gym or health club where you will work toward your personal fitness goals often depends greatly on your own interests and how you feel when entering and using a facility. For some there are particular activities they wish to have access to such as sports in addition to exercise equipment. For others, the knowledge that there are options for families who want to spend time together exercising or recreating in a variety of ways is important. Perhaps it’s the ability to get a massage when a workout is completed as a reward. One of the best ways to determine if a health/fitness location is right for you is to try it out! Scheduling an appointment for a tour is a great way to experience what a club has to offer. When touring, be sure to ask questions and review the options in equipment and variety of services available. Exceptional customer service also can put us at ease and make us feel good about the place where we will spend time investing in our healthy lifestyle.
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The Alaska Club Celebrates 30 Years of Health & Fitness

on Feb 10, 2016 4:59:17 PM By | AK Business Monthly | 2 Comments | fitness Gym 30 Year Anniversary
February 11, 1986 was the start of it all! Anchorage real estate professional Andrew Eker and former Alaska Pacific Bank president Tom Behan, along with a group of 50 investors, bought the Alaska Teamsters’ recreation center in east Anchorage and established the East Club. By 1997, more locations were added and today there are 14 locations across the state. The Alaska Club has a great deal to celebrate: three decades of being the state’s largest fitness organization, a steadfast membership base and the ability to continually reinvest in our facilities. Some of the most recent investments include multi-million dollar renovations at the Fairbanks and Juneau clubs, a new pool and splash park at the Eagle River club, new racquetball courts and a state-of-the-art group cycling studio at the South Anchorage club, and upgrades to the racquetball courts at the East club. New equipment, spa amenities and classes continue to be added and more projects are slated for this year. “With these successes, there have been challenges,” says CEO Robert Brewster, who has been with The Alaska Club for over 28 years. He credits many of the early successes to the founders’ strong business acumen. “They were able to shepherd the organization through some difficult early years.” Robert attributes three key factors to the sustained success of The Alaska Club: convenience, variety and community.
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Marching to the Beat of Your Own…Heart

on Feb 3, 2016 1:27:21 PM By | Patrick Curtis | 2 Comments | fitness heart health
Chevy Chase. Beyonce. Napoleon. The lunch lady. Bruce Lee. Grumpy Cat. This random assortment of humans (and one animal) all have something in common: hearts. They each have one. February and hearts go together like PB&J (clearly we’re referring to the greatest love story from The Office, Pam Beesly & Jim…) but we’ll let someone else handle the gooey relationship stuff (we’re looking at you, Russell Stover commercial). So while February 14th is a reminder to make plans for your figurative heart, the whole month of February is a good chance to think about taking care of your actual, physical heart. You know, that silent partner that is constantly working to keep you alive. Yeah, we’d say it’s worth showing some love. But you can’t appreciate your heart (or why it’s worth taking care of) without a quick refresher of how it fits into the whole “staying alive” (ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive) scheme.
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Are You Eating Enough Fiber?

on Jan 25, 2016 5:40:29 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition fitness fiber
Fiber is part of the carbohydrate group that can’t be digested by our gut, but is essential for good health. Fiber promotes bowel regularity, provides fullness, helps with weight management, blood sugar control, constipation, diverticulosis, colon cancer and depending upon the type of fiber, helps lower blood cholesterol.
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Try Synrgy360 For A Total-Body Workout

on Dec 10, 2015 12:44:28 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness
Now at The West Club Life Fitness pioneered the SYNRGY360 concept to create inspirational fitness experiences for a diverse audience of exercisers.
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3 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress, The Healthy Way

While the holidays are typically a time of sharing cheer with family and friends, the season also brings with it various sources of stress for each of us. Here are three ways to keep your cool while navigating the hustle and bustle this year.
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New Aqua Fitness is Waves of Fun!

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Simplify and Build from the Basics

on Sep 1, 2015 6:40:00 PM By | Patrick Curtis | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness
Whether starting an exercise routine, returning to one or looking for a progression beyond what has been a regular routine, a rundown of the basics as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (acsm.org) can help with each of these needs.
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The Balancing Act

on Aug 6, 2015 3:00:00 PM By | Patrick Curtis | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness
As kids, we’re typically extraordinarily active when playing. We’re growing, exploring our motor skills and movement; often playing games that require hopping, skipping, jumping, leaping and/or balancing on one foot. However as we approach adulthood, (depending on our recreational or exercise-related pursuits,) we move around and play less, which can result in some loss of balance and coordination. Programs that replicate an “adult recess” experience have grown in popularity in recent years as workout programs such as P90X, Insanity, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and many others exemplify this approach. The variety and pace of these types of workouts appeal to many exercisers who feel like they offer the perfect counterbalance to an inactive workday; and one of the key aspects to this type of exercise is the integration of balance and coordination along with strength and endurance.
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