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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Sadie Bjornsen, US Olympic Cross Country Skier

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Four Favorite Fall Activities

After an incredible summer, full of endless days of sunshine and 80+ degrees Fahrenheit, I found myself recently crossing my fingers for rain. By mid-August, when the forest fire smoke was still hanging on, and it seemed like Alaska was the new beach, I found myself doing evening rain dances. But, now that the rain has come, I am a little softer and affected by the rain than I was before. I don’t know if anyone else is struggling with the same thing, but I thought it would be helpful to share a few of my favorite fall activities to indulge in, rain or shine. Sometimes it only takes an idea to inspire you to get outside or get active. So here are a few of my favorite activities I participate in during the fall season to stay active and stay happy.
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Why the Weight Room?

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Sadie Bjornsen & Her Relationship With The Alaska Club

Summer in Alaska is one of my favorite parts of living here! Even though I am a professional cross country ski racer, summer still takes the cake. With endless daylight comes endless opportunities to adventure. In order to make the most of the summer, I am a believer in preparation. While some may call it "beach bod" season, I call it preparation season. Doing things like hiking, fishing, rafting, and biking require a little bit of strength and stamina to unlock a whole new world of opportunities and locations.
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