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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Megan Olson

Megan Olson moved to Alaska in 2001 and fell in love with Alaska. She is married to Brad Olson and has three amazing kids: Gus (15), Henry (14) and Lucy (12). She is an executive communication leader and served as Vice Chancellor for University Advancement UAA. Megan recently "retired" from her position at UAA to spend more time with her family. Megan enjoys running in the mountains with friends in her spare time, reading, and cooking/entertaining.

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The Fresh Face of Spring

on May 1, 2023 10:17:25 AM By | Megan Olson | 0 Comments |
When I read that The Alaska Club was now offering Hydrafacials, I immediately made an appointment. Though I’d never had a HydraFacial, the benefits sounded like the very things my skin needs during this time of year: rejuvenation, exfoliation and hydration. After a long winter of outdoor sports, indoor classes at The Alaska Club and slathering my face with whatever moisture I can get my hands on, my skin is weathered, dull and tired. As a busy mom of three teenagers, I rarely take time for me and only me, but having this HydraFacial was the best hour I spent all month. I have been sharing the experience with all my girlfriends and now I am excited to share it with you all, too.
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Why I Run

I have been asked many times why I smile when I run. Truthfully, I have no idea, and in fact, I don’t even know that I am smiling when I run 90% of the time. I can tell you that I have loved running for more than 30 years and sincerely hope I have at least 20 more years left in these legs. My running routine was acquired over time, but the smile comes naturally along with those jogging steps.
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Easy Ways to Spend More Time Outside

There is nothing like a stretch of summer sunshine to inspire Alaskans to venture outside. For some, it’s difficult to transition to new routines and new outdoor options. I get it! You like your gym routine, don’t want to get dirty, don’t have the right shoes/equipment … trust me, I have said all those things and more to talk myself out of going, but over time I have realized that there are just so many ways to get after it in Alaska and summers are short, so we must take advantage of every opportunity. Despite the good weather, motivation can still be an issue, and I also hear you on that one. I polled my family and some friends for recommended strategies and outings for these warmer temps.
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How to Role Model Daily Exercise with your Kids

I am a mother to three children, who were all born within three years (2006-2009). I was in “advanced maternal age” when I had my first baby, so my husband and I went for it and had two more without thinking about it because we didn’t have time to waste. Parenthood is amazing in all the ways everyone promised it would be, except it isn’t always amazing for the workout routine! I am happy to share some strategies I employed to survive and stay in sort-of “good” shape and sane…. And also share some of my favorite moments doing events with my kids.
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