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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD.

Elize is registered and state licensed, has a BS in Human Nutrition and a MA and PhD in Nutrition Science.

Recent Posts

Nutrition for Healthy Eyes

on Oct 1, 2024 12:59:12 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
When it comes to nutrition and health, most people think about foods that can control weight, diabetes, blood pressure, blood cholesterol or to address some gastrointestinal issues or food allergies. But the truth is that the positive effects of good nutrition goes much beyond these benefits. Good vision health is one among many such benefits.
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Recovering from a Marathon Race

on Aug 5, 2024 2:47:04 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
In the previous article, we presented nutrition tips to consider before and during a marathon. We discussed the importance of carbohydrates, protein, hydration and electrolytes for a successful run. In this article, you will learn how to celebrate after a long run with the right fuels.
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Nutrition Tips to Prepare for a Marathon

on Jun 3, 2024 2:40:50 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Running a marathon is a competitive sport, but in recent years it is gaining popularity as a personal accomplishment or milestone. Whether you do it for fun or for competition, this type of long duration exercise demands intense and long preparation prior to the race. Runners go through various physiological stresses during both phases, training, and racing, and this can be partially addressed by good nutrition, hydration, and sleep. Supplementing muscle fuel stores before and during a race is crucial for successful longer races.
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Suffering from Heartburn or Acid Reflux

on Mar 18, 2024 3:19:27 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Suffering from Heartburn or Acid Reflux? Registered Dietician, Elize Rumley offers some tips to cool the fire.
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Loving Your Heart in 2024

February is the month to raise awareness of heart health. Did you know that every 38 seconds someone dies from cardiovascular disease in this country? Although you can’t control your age, gender, or genetics, you can decrease your risk by changing your lifestyle habits. Here are some tips to improve your heart health.
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Start Your New Year with “Superfoods”

on Jan 9, 2024 10:13:53 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
"Superfoods" is a term used by lay people to advocate for foods that are rich in nutrients and claim health benefits due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds. Every year the food industry recognizes one food as being the “superfood” and then you see a range of that food product in the market. While the term "superfood" is a marketing term and not a scientific classification, the experts agree that consuming nutrient-dense foods can contribute to overall health and well-being. The key is to incorporate the whole food itself into the diet. Highly marketed processed products are often an expensive gimmick.
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The Keto Diet – What Is It and What Are the Risks?

on Sep 14, 2023 12:53:03 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
I often get questions about how to lose or maintain weight and am surprised that people still talk about the keto diet. Any fad diet comes with big promises, but the risks are rarely highlighted.
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What, When and How You Eat Matters

on Aug 22, 2023 2:33:13 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
I recently returned from a conference and there were lot of discussions around weight management using the new medication Ozempic. Unfortunately, if you do not change what, when and how you eat, you may be disappointed with the result and will learn quickly that this is not a magic drug for all. Also, as soon as you quit taking the medication, all the weight may come back.
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Your Heart Needs Your Love

on Feb 1, 2023 5:01:01 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Coronary heart disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease in the US and continues to be the leading cause of death in the country. Changing lifestyle behavior by choosing healthier foods, being physically active, losing weight and quitting tobacco are the keys to prevention and management of this condition. It is not as difficult as you might think! Instead of making big changes all at once, try to make one small change at a time and try to be consistent on a daily basis.
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Make Your Dietary Change a Lifelong Habit

on Jan 2, 2023 2:23:58 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Every year weight loss makes one of the top New Year’s resolutions in America. And yet, every year this is one of the resolutions that many abandon before the first buds of spring arrive.
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Avoid Stress Eating Over the Holidays

on Dec 4, 2022 4:13:53 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The joys of the holiday season are usually paired with the stress of trying to do last-minute shopping, preparing for gatherings or visitors, travel or the rush to send out holiday greeting cards. Unfortunately, this stress contributes to making poor dietary choices. With so many high calorie holiday treats offered at social events during the holiday season, the temptation to partake is irresistible. For many people, weight shed during the year mysteriously returns come January. Each year the cycle repeats; but, it is possible to break the cycle. Why not enjoy these annual festivities without feeling guilty on January 2nd? Here are some tips to consider:
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November is Diabetes Awareness Month

on Oct 31, 2022 11:36:53 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The incidence of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes continues to rise in this country. Weight loss through healthy eating, physical activity, and good sleep habits can help manage and in some cases, reverse the condition. However, consumption of highly processed foods is not declining, contributing to our population growing heavier each year.
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Eating Healthy While Eating Out

on Sep 30, 2022 3:16:03 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
The end-of-year holidays are just around the corner with all the attendant festivities featuring high-calorie food and drink. Many people regain all the weight lost during the more active spring and summer months plus a few more during the coming season of revelry.
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Go Fish!

Summer in Alaska is the perfect time for outdoor activities, and going fishing is one of them. We are fortunate to have an abundance of different types of fish here, and I hope you had the chance to harvest your own. For the first time this year, I caught my weight in red salmon. While fishing, it was delightful to hear people exchanging recipes on the beach. Another popular topic was the health benefits of salmon.
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3 Ways to Make Your BBQs Healthier

To make the most of summer, get together with family and friends for a barbecue. Instead of the usual hamburger, ribs, hot dogs, and sausages, you can be creative and make it healthier by grilling more fish, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. By adding fruits and vegetables, you add more color, variety, flavor, and nutrients. You may be surprised to find out that grilling fruits and vegetables can actually enhance their sweet flavor.
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Itchy mouth after eating raw fruits and vegetables?

on May 20, 2022 12:00:00 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | food health allergy
Spring is here, and so is the pollen! Did your doctor tell you that you are allergic to trees, grass, or weeds pollen? You're used to the usual symptoms; breathing problems, sneezing attacks, and teary, itchy eyes. But then you notice that some fresh fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts are starting to cause an itchy mouth, scratchy throat, itchy ears, and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat— even when there is no pollen around? You may have something called oral allergy syndrome.
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Intermittent Fasting

on Apr 18, 2022 9:56:16 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | diet exercise
Every year, there is a new super food in the market or a new way of dieting to lose weight and be healthy. One that is becoming popular in recent days is intermittent fasting. Does it really have health benefits and promote weight loss? Here is what you need to know.
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Does Carbonated Water Affect Your Bone Health?

on Mar 21, 2022 2:25:21 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Healthy eating healthy living
Sugar-free carbonated beverages are slowly taking market share from sugary drinks due to growing health concerns related to obesity and diabetes. But are sugar-free carbonated drinks safe for you? There is an ongoing debate about whether carbonation can affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis, particularly in women.
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Loving Your Heart

Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US? One person dies every 36 seconds from this condition.
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Have You Tried A Plant-Based Diet?

on Jan 24, 2022 3:20:22 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Did you know that a plant-based diet helps manage type 2 diabetes and contributes to weight loss?
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What Attributes to Afternoon Brain Fog?

Have you experienced a drop in energy at around 3 o’clock and can’t focus on your work? You dread to complete your task and you just can’t think clearly? You don’t have any medical condition, you know it is not a hangover, it is not lack of sleep, it is not a cold or low blood sugar, so what is the cause? Sometimes, there is no clear explanation, but certain foods can aggravate or improve your mental acuity in the afternoon. Here are some tips:
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Drinks That Increase Inflammation in the Body

When we think about inflammation, we think about the reaction of our immune system to a foreign object such as a virus or bacteria entering our body. However, in modern life, one of the most common causes of chronic inflammation besides lack of sleep and poor stress management is what we eat and drink. When the body is exposed to ongoing inflammation, we are at increased risk of chronic and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, GERD, body pain, and others.
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Is it Possible to Avoid Menopause Weight Gain?

on Jul 9, 2021 12:14:26 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | healthy living menopause weight gain
Around age 50, women go through inevitable hormonal changes. For most women, menopause comes with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, and sleep disturbance. The stress caused by menopause in addition to other conditions associated with the aging process such as decrease in muscle mass, increase in fat mass and lack of physical activity can make it difficult for a middle-aged woman to maintain her optimal weight. In fact, it is common to see weight gain during this time, particularly in the abdominal area. So, what can you do to keep yourself healthy and prevent weight gain? Here are some tips:
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Is Gluten the Cause of Belly Fat?

on Jun 21, 2021 2:27:21 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Healthy eating weight loss exercise
Gluten has received a lot of attention in the past 5 years and gluten free products continue to gain significant share in the global market. Many people believe that these products are healthier and promote weight loss as if gluten is a proximate cause of weight gain.
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Having Salad Today?

on Apr 8, 2021 1:52:33 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition Healthy eating
Eating a salad has a connotation that one is eating a healthy meal. Salad, by definition, is a cold dish with a mixture of leafy and colorful vegetables, with or without topping and a dressing. More and more people are choosing salad over other meals thinking that they can lose weight.
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How to Lose Weight without Depriving Yourself

Every year, a great number of people make weight loss their New Year’s resolution. There is no question that for some people weight loss is a challenge. Too many fad diets are promising quick weight loss, but they are neither sustainable nor healthy. They are often very restrictive and remove an entire food group from the diet, commonly carbohydrates. The problem is that too restrictive a meal plan increases craving, a feeling of guilt and failure with each minor lapse, even eating even a piece of bread or, perish the thought, a slice of pizza. Eventually, people quit this diet and regain all the lost weight plus more. I see this scenario play out often in my dietary practice.
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Don’t count on fad diets for long term weight loss

Many people watch their waistlines and experiment with different fad diets to lose weight. While there are anecdotes galore of short-term success, these efforts generally end in weight regained and frustration. Instead of following one of the many crazy diets for temporary weight loss, try the following tips:
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Coffee Health Benefits: Energy Booster & So Much More

on Feb 16, 2017 1:07:56 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | heart health
Your cup of coffee is not only giving you the caffeine that you need for a quick pick-me-up.” In fact, the effect of caffeine doesn’t last for long. For some people, caffeine may even increase blood pressure temporarily. But coffee is not only about caffeine, it is actually rich in some antioxidants that promote health. Some of the health benefits include increased cognitive function, increased physical endurance and decreased risk for diabetes type 2, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and memory loss.
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Guilt Free Super Bowl

on Feb 3, 2017 4:49:18 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Super Bowl
Many of us are trying hard to lose the weight gained during the holidays. And after the New Year’s Eve partyies are over, we think we're in the clear; then it hits us, all of the college bowls and NFL play-offs still to come and weeks of buffet tables laden with high calorie temptations. Then, the “grand salami” - the Super Bowl!
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Spice It Up With Herbs

on Jul 25, 2016 1:14:03 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Healthy eating Healthy herbs
The FDA has finally established voluntary sodium targets for food companies and restaurants with the goal of lowering the amount of sodium (salt) consumed by Americans. In order to enhance the taste of most foods, you don’t have to use much salt. Try to use more herbs, fresh or dried. This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to add flavor to foods. Herbs such as parsley, cilantro, chives, thyme, basil, mint rosemary, oregano, tarragon, marjoram, sage and dill are actually packed with more phytonutrients than typical salad greens. Several herbs are associated with lowering blood pressure.
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Allergy Season is Upon Us

on Jun 14, 2016 1:59:04 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | food allergy
Download Our Clean Eating Guide
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Is Heart Disease Preventable?

on Feb 18, 2016 12:04:26 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 1 Comment | heart health
According to 2015 CDC[1] data, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Every year about 735,000 Americans suffer a heart attack. Risk factors include hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, weight gain, inactivity, excessive alcohol intake and smoking. You can significantly decrease your chances of having a heart attack by improving your diet and being more physically active.
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Are You Eating Enough Fiber?

on Jan 25, 2016 5:40:29 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition fitness fiber
Fiber is part of the carbohydrate group that can’t be digested by our gut, but is essential for good health. Fiber promotes bowel regularity, provides fullness, helps with weight management, blood sugar control, constipation, diverticulosis, colon cancer and depending upon the type of fiber, helps lower blood cholesterol.
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Osteoarthritis: How to Keep Your Joints Healthy

on Jan 11, 2016 5:18:16 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition
One in three Americans are now considered obese and the more weight a person carries, the more likely a person can develop osteoarthritis (OA). OA is a condition involving the breakdown of cartilage characterized by pain and stiffness in the knees, hips, and other joints. It impacts people in their daily lives by imposing constraints upon physical movement at work and play. Extra weight increases stress upon joints and increases inflammation throughout the body. Chemicals associated with inflammation can break down the cartilage. This is why some people can develop OA in the hands, even though they are not weight bearing. Obesity doubles the probability of a person developing OA. This is a preventable and modifiable factor. Recent studies show that a small weight loss of 5% of body weight can significantly improve body function – affording greater range of motion, better ability to bear weight, less pain and greater ease in climbing stairs. Besides weight, other factors such as weak muscle strength, repetitive use of joints, age and genes, can contribute to the onset of OA. So, what can you do to protect your joints?
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Do you need sports drinks?

on Aug 17, 2015 5:00:00 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition
Do you need sports drinks? Having experienced such a hot and dry summer, I have been asked whether people really need to hydrate with sports drinks. If not, what is the best way to keep hydrated?
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Is Your Gut Healthy?

on Jun 17, 2015 5:00:00 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition
You have probably noticed that probiotics are making headlines. But, do you know what they are? Probiotics are the microbes or the good bacteria just like those living in your intestinal tract. We have over 100 trillion of them living in our gut. More probiotics in your diet means that you can help repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria. Studies are showing that these good bacteria can reduce inflammation, autoimmune disease and even weight gain. Probiotics are used to treat eczema, arthritis, asthma, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, constipation, lactose intolerance, obesity and more. However, the beneficial effects and the degree of benefit appears to vary from person to person. Because there is little to no potential harm in including probiotics into a diet, it is recommended that we incorporate these healthy bacteria into our diets.
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Re-learning a healthy diet

on Apr 13, 2015 12:42:02 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition
We often hear parents complaining about children who are picky eaters. Are we born to prefer some foods over others? Not really, according to Dr. Susan Roberts, professor at Tufts University. This appears to be more of a conditioned response to eating repeatedly the same types of foods. Because most women are in the work place, few actually cook baby food from scratch.
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Is there an increase in protein need if you exercise?

A person who is physically active spends more energy than someone who is sedentary and needs more energy and nutrients to recover from intense work out. Protein is necessary to help repair and strengthen muscle tissue, but how much is really needed?
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Is a High Protein Diet Right for you?

on Feb 4, 2015 10:12:00 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition
A few people have asked me whether a high protein diet is healthy for elders. It is known that a high protein diet is not recommended for those with kidney disease, but if a person has normal kidney function, a slight increase in protein intake may be beneficial for elders. The current recommended intake for protein is 0.36 grams per pound of weight or 65 grams of protein a day for someone weighing 180 lbs. This recommendation originates from studies based on "protein balance" of younger adults, but not of elders who may need extra protein to cover loss of muscle and immune function. We cannot avoid muscle loss as we age regardless of our total weight. In fact, after age 30 to 40, we start losing about 1% of our muscle every year. Without muscle it is difficult for our body to maintain balance and to perform daily activities. So, how much do we need as we age? Some observational studies are showing that elders who consume higher amount of protein can stay healthier longer. In the Women' Health Initiative Study, women above 50 years of age who consumed 0.54 grams protein per pound of weight every day were less frail, had better grip strength and standing capacity than those who consumed 0.45 grams at the end of a 3 year study, even though it did not demonstrate improved mobility. Muscle metabolism is a constant dynamic of synthesis and breakdown. Between meals there is more breakdown; after a meal, more synthesis. According to a small short term study, it appears that the muscle synthesis is higher if protein consumption is spread out throughout the day instead of having one large protein meal a day. It is not clear yet whether elders can actually make more muscle after meals to overcome the breakdown of muscle between meals. What we know for sure is that the best way to build muscle is to do some resistance training, even in old age. More research is needed to clarify whether the amount of protein in the diet affects skeletal muscle size, strength or function. Until more data is available, one should consume at least the minimum amount recommended by the Institute of Medicine or 0.36 grams per pound of body weight and if possible, aim to 0.5 grams per pound.
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