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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Reframing Exercise: Picture An Investment

on Jun 2, 2022 1:19:06 PM By | Cathy Spencer Browning VP of Training and Programming | 0 Comments |
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Itchy mouth after eating raw fruits and vegetables?

on May 20, 2022 12:00:00 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | food health allergy
Spring is here, and so is the pollen! Did your doctor tell you that you are allergic to trees, grass, or weeds pollen? You're used to the usual symptoms; breathing problems, sneezing attacks, and teary, itchy eyes. But then you notice that some fresh fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts are starting to cause an itchy mouth, scratchy throat, itchy ears, and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat— even when there is no pollen around? You may have something called oral allergy syndrome.
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Early Risers Get the Worm!

on May 4, 2022 2:39:17 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | healthy living exercise
Are you an early bird or a night owl? Most people are a moderate hybrid of these two choices but there are extremes in either direction. I, for one, am a semi-early bird. I get up around 6:00 AM, but I’m not exactly a fast mover when I do get up! My husband is a night owl, but he will get up long before I do anyway, except for weekends. Either way, daylight savings time is currently allowing us more time in the evening to spend hours outside. Plus, the additional light we have been gaining makes it easier to get out of bed early.
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Intermittent Fasting

on Apr 18, 2022 9:56:16 AM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | diet exercise
Every year, there is a new super food in the market or a new way of dieting to lose weight and be healthy. One that is becoming popular in recent days is intermittent fasting. Does it really have health benefits and promote weight loss? Here is what you need to know.
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on Apr 4, 2022 2:31:30 PM By | Cathy Spencer Browning, MOSSA VP of Training & Programming | 0 Comments |
Around here at MOSSA I have been nicknamed “Muma Browning.” It is usually in reference to when I am giving a bit of a pep talk or, as my daughters would say, giving a bit of a lesson. So, I am going to put on my Muma Browning hat and talk to you about how important it is to get down with getting up.
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Does Carbonated Water Affect Your Bone Health?

on Mar 21, 2022 2:25:21 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Healthy eating healthy living
Sugar-free carbonated beverages are slowly taking market share from sugary drinks due to growing health concerns related to obesity and diabetes. But are sugar-free carbonated drinks safe for you? There is an ongoing debate about whether carbonation can affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis, particularly in women.
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How Are Things Going?

on Feb 17, 2022 12:00:05 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | mental health healthy lifestyles
How are we doing? That’s always a good question to ask eight weeks into the new year when the newness of the year and resolutions we made are already distant memories. There are current events that enhance the likelihood of us staying the course of those early year promises we made to ourselves (and maybe to others as well) of steps we would take to improve our health, our relationships, and our lives. The daylight is visibly increasing, the temperatures are warming, and our own home-grown Alaskans are setting the example of plying their hard-won, lifelong honed skills across the ocean in the Olympic Games in Beijing.
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Loving Your Heart

Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US? One person dies every 36 seconds from this condition.
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Have You Tried A Plant-Based Diet?

on Jan 24, 2022 3:20:22 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments |
Did you know that a plant-based diet helps manage type 2 diabetes and contributes to weight loss?
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New Beginnings

on Dec 30, 2021 1:34:43 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | healthy living
I love new beginnings because there’s always the sense of fresh starts, rejuvenation and a new, better me. In short, new beginnings mean hope that I will feel, look and be healthier and happier than ever before. When it comes to New Year’s resolutions most people make them concerning health matters. Losing weight and quitting smoking always top the list. Let’s be honest, most people fail in their long-term efforts and slip right back to where they were as they ended the year. In fact, fully 95% of people who lose weight, gain it back again and oftentimes add weight on top of that. This year, however, we have a plan! Instead of talking about the abysmal failure rate of those who lose and regain weight, let’s take a look at what people did right to shed pounds and got healthier in the process. We can not only be that elite 5%, but we’re going to expand our percentages and be a positive influence on others! The goal is to not overwhelm oneself with huge goals but instead set short, doable, daily goals. Rather than making a monster goal that seems so unrealistically unachievable, let’s concentrate on one or two modest changes that can bring long term success. In Alcoholics Anonymous, the motto is always “One day at a time.” We don’t have to commit to a lifetime of changes. We only make the changes today. Each day, we start anew. After all, we only HAVE today.
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What Attributes to Afternoon Brain Fog?

Have you experienced a drop in energy at around 3 o’clock and can’t focus on your work? You dread to complete your task and you just can’t think clearly? You don’t have any medical condition, you know it is not a hangover, it is not lack of sleep, it is not a cold or low blood sugar, so what is the cause? Sometimes, there is no clear explanation, but certain foods can aggravate or improve your mental acuity in the afternoon. Here are some tips:
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Winter Is Coming!

on Nov 3, 2021 11:27:40 AM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | health healthy lifestyles vitamin D
We are in that weird fall/winter limbo season. You know, it’s not really fall anymore because the leaves are almost all completely off the trees, but then again, the snow is a little skimpy and mushy too. Hikers and hunters don’t forget that this is also a really high avalanche risk time as well. It’s very muddy in the woods, there’s puddles galore and bears have a ways to go before they settle down for the winter. The moose-match dating season is still ongoing so watch out for those frisky moose! Some nights are under 32º so puddles freeze. Some nights are not. If you want to give your Begonias a chance to make it to next year, you’d best put them in the garage and let the bulbs dry out.
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Drinks That Increase Inflammation in the Body

When we think about inflammation, we think about the reaction of our immune system to a foreign object such as a virus or bacteria entering our body. However, in modern life, one of the most common causes of chronic inflammation besides lack of sleep and poor stress management is what we eat and drink. When the body is exposed to ongoing inflammation, we are at increased risk of chronic and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer, GERD, body pain, and others.
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Why I Wear Pink Every October

Although it was many years ago, this memory is crystal clear to me - I was 9-years old. My family and I were decorating the Christmas tree. Our dog Dandy was super excited about the tree, the family, and the festivities. Although she was not allowed in the living room, she could not contain her excitement and she ran into the room. She was circling us, jumping up and down on the furniture, and then ran into the tree on her escape route down the hallway to avoid getting in trouble. My mom reached up to catch the tree and then screamed as I’ve never heard her before. My 9-year-old brain thought she was mad at Dandy. I had a whole save Dandy speech in my head, "mom, she didn’t know any better and we got everything cleaned up, we'll keep her out of the living room, etc...." However, my mom’s scream was not about Dandy. When she raised her arms, she felt an excruciating pain in the left side of her chest. Later, a doctor’s appointment confirmed she had advanced breast cancer and would need a mastectomy.
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HIIT The Ground Running to Help with Menopause Weight Gain

on Aug 27, 2021 11:36:47 AM By | Stacey Ledgerwood | 0 Comments |
Less sugar in your diet is a key factor for a healthy menopause transition. Good nutritional habits and exercise will help to offset the symptoms of change in your body and make you feel better.
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on Aug 19, 2021 2:32:13 PM By | Janet Warner Final | 0 Comments | family fitness healthy kids
“Wherever you’re from and whatever resources you have, with dedication and time, you can make it happen," says Lydia Jacoby, Olympic gold and silver medalist in swimming the 100 Meter and the 400 Meter Women’s Medley.
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Is it Possible to Avoid Menopause Weight Gain?

on Jul 9, 2021 12:14:26 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | healthy living menopause weight gain
Around age 50, women go through inevitable hormonal changes. For most women, menopause comes with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, and sleep disturbance. The stress caused by menopause in addition to other conditions associated with the aging process such as decrease in muscle mass, increase in fat mass and lack of physical activity can make it difficult for a middle-aged woman to maintain her optimal weight. In fact, it is common to see weight gain during this time, particularly in the abdominal area. So, what can you do to keep yourself healthy and prevent weight gain? Here are some tips:
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Is Gluten the Cause of Belly Fat?

on Jun 21, 2021 2:27:21 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Healthy eating weight loss exercise
Gluten has received a lot of attention in the past 5 years and gluten free products continue to gain significant share in the global market. Many people believe that these products are healthier and promote weight loss as if gluten is a proximate cause of weight gain.
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on Jun 11, 2021 12:48:06 PM By | Bright Horizons Education Team | 0 Comments | Kids Youth Fitness family fun family fitness
Help your kids build healthy habits for the future by being physically active together. Find fun family fitness ideas to enjoy & stay healthy.
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on May 24, 2021 12:45:48 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | strength training summertime fitness routine
On your mark, get set, go!!! People are getting their campers, kayaks and boats out of storage. They are sorting through their fishing and camping gear and setting the skis and skates in the corner of the garage. Meanwhile, the school year is winding down and the pace of summer is about to kick in with all the usual ecstatic expectations of living in America’s best playground. People spend thousands of dollars to come here in the summer and take part in what we literally just fall out of bed to do. Memorial Day weekend is the usual summertime kick off event and the roads will be clogged - mostly Alaskans eager to get outside and soak in all the natural glories the state has to offer.
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on Apr 29, 2021 2:59:43 PM By | https://nationaldaycalendar.com/ | 0 Comments |
National Fitness Day on the first Saturday in May offers an opportunity to be inspired and try new ways of becoming fit and healthy.
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Having Salad Today?

on Apr 8, 2021 1:52:33 PM By | Elize Rumsley – RD, LD, CDE, MS, PhD. | 0 Comments | Nutrition Healthy eating
Eating a salad has a connotation that one is eating a healthy meal. Salad, by definition, is a cold dish with a mixture of leafy and colorful vegetables, with or without topping and a dressing. More and more people are choosing salad over other meals thinking that they can lose weight.
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How to Train for Your First Triathlon

on Mar 22, 2021 3:51:26 PM By | REI | 0 Comments | tri training triathlon
Triathlons have come a long way since 1974, when 46 people competed in the first swim/bike/run race, held in San Diego, CA. If you’ve decided to try this exciting, addicting and challenging sport, you’re in good company—today, more than 2 million people participate in triathlons each year. To get ready, you’ll need a well-designed training plan that will increase your performance in all three areas, while also helping to keep you in healthy shape as you train. As always, be sure to consult with your doctor before starting any new training routine.
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Humor Is Really Good Medicine

on Mar 1, 2021 3:56:57 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments |
“A merry heart does good like medicine,” or at least so the book of Proverbs tells us. There is a good deal of truth to this. When I hit the couch one Friday after work to scroll social media and tried to muster up the motivation to go work out, I found myself laughing uncontrollably at the improbable ubiquitous Bernie Sanders memes. The sight of Bernie bundled with his plaid mittens photoshopped in various famous paintings such as The Silent Scream of Edvard Munch, or in Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks, or hoisted by the baboon in The Lion King tickled my funny bone no end. The random absurdity somehow met my need for some inexplicably funny oddity. After ten minutes of scrolling and laughter, I got my mojo back and headed out for a workout.
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on Feb 3, 2021 10:35:25 AM By | Heart Foundation | 0 Comments |
Keeping your heart healthy is something you can work on every day. What you eat and how much you move are a few things that can have a big impact on your heart. Find out why they’re so important and get practical tips on living a heart healthy lifestyle.
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How to Lose Weight without Depriving Yourself

Every year, a great number of people make weight loss their New Year’s resolution. There is no question that for some people weight loss is a challenge. Too many fad diets are promising quick weight loss, but they are neither sustainable nor healthy. They are often very restrictive and remove an entire food group from the diet, commonly carbohydrates. The problem is that too restrictive a meal plan increases craving, a feeling of guilt and failure with each minor lapse, even eating even a piece of bread or, perish the thought, a slice of pizza. Eventually, people quit this diet and regain all the lost weight plus more. I see this scenario play out often in my dietary practice.
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Alaskans Have the Power to Live A Robust Life

on Dec 21, 2020 3:51:37 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Getting Fit healthy living outdoors
When I was a little girl, I was fascinated with the story of Heidi, the little Swiss girl who was orphaned and sent by her aunt to live with her grandfather high in the Swiss Alps. There, she learned to tend to goats with the neighbor boy, Peter, drank fresh goat milk and ran freely in the mountain meadows. When she was sent to the city to go to school, she lived with a family who had a sick daughter named Clara. Clara and Heidi moved back to the alpine village to live with her grandfather where Clara recovered in the Alps, having found good health in the pure mountain air and the beckoning of the green meadows. The story’s emphases of living healthy and the rejuvenating influence of living in the mountains are good themes for this year.
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Good Eats & A Healthy Alaskan Harvest

on Nov 16, 2020 4:29:09 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Grocery list Healthy eating healthy living
Now that the vegetable gardens have been harvested, and the rich berry assortments from our mountain meadows have been picked, we are ready for some scrumptious healthy eats!
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6 Tips on Staying Fit This Winter

on Nov 5, 2020 2:06:39 PM By | National Kidney Foundation | 0 Comments | workout healthy living fitness routine
The winter months can be a challenging time to stick to an exercise plan. The weather is colder, the daylight hours are shorter and other priorities can make it hard to establish a routine. While exercise in winter may be tough, it is very important for health.
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Breast Cancer Awareness: Early Detection & Prevention Tips from the CDC

on Oct 12, 2020 10:58:20 AM By | Center for Disease Control | 0 Comments |
During this challenging time of uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to focus on of your health, and if over 40, staying on track with your annual mammograms and exams. According to the CDC, Breast Cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the US. Here are some recommendation from the CDC to reduce your risk:
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A Message from Olympian Kikkan Randall

on Oct 2, 2020 12:17:18 PM By | Kikkan Randall | 0 Comments | finding a cure breast cancer awareness olympian
Winning an Olympic Gold medal didn’t save me from getting cancer. But thanks to all the years of staying active, caring about good nutrition and working to cultivate a positive and resilient attitude, I had the mental skills and physical strength to get through my cancer treatment and return to my active lifestyle.
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on Sep 10, 2020 11:11:04 AM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | mind-body fitness routine personal training
“For the past 15 years, I’ve been making excuses and saying “one day I’ll get back in the shape.” I decided to invest in myself by working with a trainer at The Alaska Club. I was making awesome progress when the pandemic hit. I spent a couple of months trying to figure out how I could continue my training and stay healthy for my kids while my husband was deployed.
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Back To School, Back To Your Workout Schedule!

on Aug 21, 2020 12:50:35 PM By | CooperJoint | 0 Comments | mental health healthy living fitness routine
“Where did the summer go? ” is perhaps the most asked question in August. Hopefully you had a great break and stayed active with your kids. If you’re like millions of parents around the country, your regular workout schedule either suffered or became nonexistent. In fact, it’s possible your running shoes never hit the pavement during those summer months. No worries, you’re not alone. It’s time to shake off the past, appreciate the time you spent with your children, and move forward. It’s time to give yourself back that hour a day dedicated to your health and well being, so you can continue to rock out this parenting gig.
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Above And Beyond - David Norris

on Jul 29, 2020 11:51:35 AM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | Member Feature US Ski Team cardio exercise
Mt Marathon record-holder and local Alaskan David Norris talks about why he loves the steep incline treadmills, and how he feels comfortable training at The Alaska Club even during this summer of 2020.
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Establishing Healthy Eating Habits for Children

In a recently published article by the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, they provide nutritional advice for parents and kids. Below is the full article.
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Research Shows Health Clubs Are Safer Than You Think!

on Jul 17, 2020 11:53:40 AM By | By Meredith Poppler Courtesy IHRSA | 0 Comments | workout cleanliness safety gyms
Contrary to popular belief, early research provides evidence for the argument that health clubs pose no additional risk in transmitting coronavirus compared to other public places.
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The Benefits of Working Out

on Jun 10, 2020 3:21:47 PM By | The Alaska Club and Medline Plus Contributor | 0 Comments | fitness exercise Outdoor Fitness
We have all heard it many times before - regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you're like many Americans, you're busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven't yet changed your exercise habits, especially during the Pandemic where many of you are stuck at home. The good news is that it's never too late to start. You can start slowly, and find ways to fit more physical activity into your life. To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer. Read the full article posted by Medline Plus here.
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We've Re-opened Our Doors

on May 16, 2020 10:41:48 AM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | Gym Reopned clean sanitized safe
A very heartfilled welcome back to all our members and staff! The Alaska Club reopened its doors this past week and the energy throughout the facilities was filled with enthusiasm and gratitude by all. The Alaska Club team has been working hard preparing the clubs to reopen. While the facilities were not in use, the maintenance and operations teams deep cleaned, made repairs and upgraded several areas of the clubs.
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The Alaska Club & Children's Lunchbox

on Apr 3, 2020 9:13:12 AM By | Denali Media Productions | 0 Comments | Community Donate
With school not in session and a record increase in unemployment, the need to feed hungry kids continues to grow. More and more families who are already on the edge, or barely making it, will struggle. The Alaska Club is getting involved by packing thousands of meal boxes, providing delivery service to the pantry and matching up to $10,000 in donations. Learn how you can help?
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Member Testimonial: Brian Crouse

My journey began on September 22nd, 2019. My best friend called and during our conversation, she told me she had lost 80lbs in the last 8 months. She showed me a pic and she looked amazing. I was not about to have her show me up, so I asked "HOW?". She was eating healthy. She had cut out most carbs and sugars. I was 386lbs and had already thought about getting healthy; and this was the last straw.
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Member Testimonial: Kathryn Pyne

First, I would like to thank The Alaska Club for allowing Any Time Fitness members to transfer their membership. With this transfer, I have been able to continue work with my trainer, Joelle Miller. Her patience, knowledge and experience working with a wide range of abilities has greatly helped me.
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Getting the most from your membership @ The Alaska Club

on Feb 4, 2020 12:00:00 PM By | Ruth Carter, TAC Member | 1 Comment | zumba alaska winter team training personal training
I’ve been a member of the Alaska Club for decades beginning in the late-80s, early-90s. At first I was gung-ho doing step classes and lifting weights at The Alaska Club East (In fact, at 35 I was rock solid, happy and very fit). As I was approaching 60, I made the commitment to myself to get in shape, rather than aging. I saw people much older than me who continued to workout and looked great. I decided I would get myself back on track.
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So I'm injured: now what?

on Jan 24, 2020 11:42:33 AM By | Ellie Gottstein | 1 Comment | workout rest injury fitness routine
Whether this is a surprise to you or not, I am here to tell you that often no matter how “fit” people think you are or how careful you think you are being with your body, it is likely that at some point you will experience an injury.
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Fitness Trends to Keep Up With in 2020

on Jan 9, 2020 2:48:48 PM By | Katie at Precor | 1 Comment | fitness new years
Checkout this great blog from our fitness partners at Precor!
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Tips for that New You Resolution

on Jan 2, 2020 5:33:20 PM By | Victoria Hoff @ byrdie.com/fitness-resolutions | 0 Comments | exercise new years
It's no secret that come January 1, many Americans name weight loss as their number one New Year's resolution. And, as it goes, just one week into the New Year, people begin falling like flies when it comes to sticking to diet and exercise. Disheartened? Don't be.
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Water – The Fountain of Youth?

on Dec 17, 2019 3:20:13 PM By | Alaska Premier Health | 0 Comments | Hydration
Take a guess. What percent of your body is water? Less than 50%? Less than 60%? Maybe 70%? The answer is your body is 65-70% water, but less so if you have more body fat. Water is therefore quite obviously SUPER IMPORTANT. The average adult eliminates about 2.5 liters of water per day. You will get some water replacement from your food intake but the rest needs to come from water - H20! Pure and simple and FREE. Stay away from sugar soda. Not even diet soda. No coffee, though this might be a little harder... Just stay away from sugar and fat loaded coffee. Water – that clear, earth given refreshment is the best of all.
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12 Days of Fitness Blogpost

on Dec 6, 2019 2:28:37 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | fitness exercise new years
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Good Health at the Holidays

on Nov 22, 2019 1:45:50 PM By | Barbara DuBois | 0 Comments | Holidays fitness routine Physical activity
The holidays are upon us and for many of us, it seems to wreak havoc with our healthy lifestyles. But, it doesn’t need to be that way. Here are some ways to navigate through the excesses of the holidays without eating and drinking our way into total upheaval:
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Four Favorite Fall Activities

After an incredible summer, full of endless days of sunshine and 80+ degrees Fahrenheit, I found myself recently crossing my fingers for rain. By mid-August, when the forest fire smoke was still hanging on, and it seemed like Alaska was the new beach, I found myself doing evening rain dances. But, now that the rain has come, I am a little softer and affected by the rain than I was before. I don’t know if anyone else is struggling with the same thing, but I thought it would be helpful to share a few of my favorite fall activities to indulge in, rain or shine. Sometimes it only takes an idea to inspire you to get outside or get active. So here are a few of my favorite activities I participate in during the fall season to stay active and stay happy.
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Interview with Olympic Skier Logan Hanneman | TAC Board

on Sep 10, 2019 12:45:30 PM By | The Alaska Club | 0 Comments | Gym and Health Club Exercises fitness US Ski Team winter ski exercise
We’ve all heard how big Alaska is. The jokes about Texas and the lower 48 are pretty well versed by every proud 49th state resident. The mountains are big. The rivers are big. The king salmon, the moose, the grizzly and polar bears… yep, you know it. Large and in charge.
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