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The Alaska Club

TAC Board: The Alaska Club Blog

Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services

Janet is the ED of Fitness Services for The Alaska Club and has dedicated her life to the good health and fitness of others. She is a mom, new grandmother, wife, sometimes known as a mamma bear and keeper of Polly, her Corgi.

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Never Say Never

on Jul 9, 2024 1:56:35 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments | Augie's Quest
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Favorite Distance

on May 21, 2024 2:20:45 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments |
Even though I’ve done more half marathons than any other race distance, truth be told, my favorite distances are 5 and 10 miles.
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NYC Marathon for ALS

on May 1, 2024 1:32:55 PM By | Janet Warner, Executive Director of Fitness Services | 0 Comments | Augie's Quest
I did something this week that I was certain I would NEVER do. I signed up to run a marathon. Not just any marathon – the New York City Marathon. Whenever I’ve been asked “are you gonna run a marathon now”, my reply has always been, I’m only half crazy. Yes, I’ve run several half marathons. However, as I crossed the finish line I’ve never thought, gee I wish I could do that again - right now. I’m also very aware of and respectful of what it takes to train for and run a marathon. It’s a commitment.
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Why I Wear Pink Every October

Although it was many years ago, this memory is crystal clear to me - I was 9-years old. My family and I were decorating the Christmas tree. Our dog Dandy was super excited about the tree, the family, and the festivities. Although she was not allowed in the living room, she could not contain her excitement and she ran into the room. She was circling us, jumping up and down on the furniture, and then ran into the tree on her escape route down the hallway to avoid getting in trouble. My mom reached up to catch the tree and then screamed as I’ve never heard her before. My 9-year-old brain thought she was mad at Dandy. I had a whole save Dandy speech in my head, "mom, she didn’t know any better and we got everything cleaned up, we'll keep her out of the living room, etc...." However, my mom’s scream was not about Dandy. When she raised her arms, she felt an excruciating pain in the left side of her chest. Later, a doctor’s appointment confirmed she had advanced breast cancer and would need a mastectomy.
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