Winter is Coming!

Written by Barbara DuBois | Oct 12, 2017 11:08:41 PM

The trees are shedding their gold and the snow is gradually creeping down the mountains. Alaskans are observing animals everywhere kicking into high gear as they ready themselves for a long winter and for the last autumnal rites of mating. People are posting on social media sites of bears foraging in neighborhoods, on heavily frequented trails and simply ambling down roads. Moose are precariously grazing on the Northern Lights Boulevard median, besides the Glenn and Minnesota Boulevard and literally everywhere besides someplace safe. My maternal instinct wants me to urge them away, but with my luck, I’d unwittingly influence them to run into traffic. The Parks Service continues to knock out the valiant efforts of the beavers’ damming projects at University Lake, only to see the dams rebuilt in a few days. All the critters know it’s coming. They’re getting ready.

With the encroaching darkness, I can’t help but wonder what kind of winter we will have this year. Will we have an abundance of great powder for all the exhilarating outdoor sports we Alaskans love? Or will it be another bummer streak of rain and ice? Either way, my day starts at The Alaska Club and should it be another dark, snowless and icy winter, my evening will be at The Alaska Club as well. It’s a shot in the arm for getting my day started. The feeling of isolation because of the ever-encroaching darkness is easily overcome when I am in the presence of other like-minded people seeking activity in a social environment. For my husband and I, the Alaska Club is a God-send to keep the winter blues away, particularly in inclement weather. I love the cheery locker room discussions, the welcome smiles in the morning and the strong sense of well-being when I leave. The chipper Zumba instructors immediately cause me to be cheery myself and the yoga instructors guide us out of our stress and into greater tension-free flexibility. I just love the feel-good sensation of everything I do at the club: cycling, weights, Zumba, swimming, soaking in the sauna, the jacuzzi or the steam room. 

We don’t need to dread the long, dark winter if it is another snowless one. We’ve got each other. We have The Alaska Club. And hey, don’t forget to take your Vitamin D!