Back To School, Back To Your Workout Schedule!

Written by CooperJoint | Aug 21, 2020 8:50:35 PM

Where did the summer go? ” is perhaps the most asked question in August. Hopefully you had a great break and stayed active with your kids. If you’re like millions of parents around the country, your regular workout schedule either suffered or became nonexistent. In fact, it’s possible your running shoes never hit the pavement during those summer months. No worries, you’re not alone. It’s time to shake off the past, appreciate the time you spent with your children, and move forward. It’s time to give yourself back that hour a day dedicated to your health and well being, so you can continue to rock out this parenting gig.

Here are 5 important tips to consider as you get back in the game.

1. Start Fresh

There’s no room for guilt about what you didn’t accomplish in the summer. Back to school means making a fresh start, even in the current new normal.

Begin by setting S.M.A.R.T. fitness goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Motivational
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Trackable

Decide what your top health and fitness priority is and set goals around that. Don’t overshoot and risk unavoidable failure. At the same time, stretch yourself a little. Start small and expand your goals as your workout schedule solidifies.

2. Schedule Workouts on Calendar

We know what your calendar looks like. There aren’t many empty spots, but it’s important to schedule your workouts ahead of time. Ideally you will work out the same days and times 3-5 days each week. If your schedule doesn’t allow that, be flexible, but be consistent. Once it’s written down, treat it like any other appointment and keep your commitment.

3. Kid Swap

Still have little ones at home, or are your kids virtual learning or home schooling? No problem. Find other moms who need childcare so they can accommodate their workout schedule and exchange care. You’ll love not having to pay for childcare and your kids will enjoy spending time with friends. On the days you can’t exchange care, workout at home or include them by doing things like taking them for a long walk. Just do something!

4. Partner up

A huge motivator in keeping goals is having accountability with someone. Great accountability partners include:

  • your spouse
  • your mom
  • a good friend
  • a neighbor

Having someone to report to will help you stick to your plan. It’s preferable to use someone who is working on their own fitness goals, so you can motivate each other, celebrate your accomplishments, encourage during rough times, and even workout together if possible.

5. Safeguard Your Muscles and Joints

Don’t forget to protect yourself. If you haven’t been as active as usual, you may experience some pain as you get back into your workout routine. This is a perfect time to dust off your CopperJoint compression clothing and allow them to go to work for you in order to reach your goals.

Your workout schedule is important, because you are important. Taking time to take care of yourself gives you the boost and energy you need to do all the things you do for your family. Be a good example to them by making and sticking to a plan that will keep you active and healthy. You deserve it and so do they.

Written by CooperJoint



Finally, if it's just a boost you need to get started, The Alaska Club can help. Schedule a fitness consultation or talk to a Personal Trainer about getting back to a routine.  Check out all of The Alaska Clubs safety protocols here: 

Most importantly, just get started! learn more at: