Team Training At The Alaska Club

Written by Tracy Dumas, TAC Director of Marketing & PR | Apr 12, 2024 12:18:11 AM

Working out is more fun with friends! If you’re looking for a great workout in a like-minded community setting, then Team Training might be your jam. It’s motivating, effective, and a whole lot of fun. Held on the turf area of the clubs, the class is led by a certified personal trainer. I started taking Stacey’s 6am Team Training at TAC West in December of 2023 and I’m sticking with it. Here’s why you should try it too.


The goal of Team Training is to not only connect members with other members, but also to connect members to personal trainers, who can teach you how to incorporate the equipment found in the functional training areas of the clubs such as kettlebells, TRX, sleds, and more.


Since starting Team Training, I’ve learned how to properly utilize some of the functional fitness equipment that I’d never used before, received sound feedback from trainers on skills and form, and connected with a truly wonderful group of my fellow members who motivate me to show up twice a week. You’ll never get bored, as the workouts change. You’ll be challenged but not intimidated, as modifications are given to each exercise to meet all fitness levels.


Yvonne Jeschke teaches Team Training at East on Monday evenings. She says she wants members to feel welcome, have fun no matter their level of fitness, and keep the structure of her workouts similar so that the members know what to expect. “We always start with an energetic welcome and go over the workout,” she says. “I explain and perform the exercises then members choose dumbbells or kettlebells appropriate for their fitness levels.” After a warmup, it’s time to work out. Yvonne gives her class updates on the intervals, checks form, and adjusts or modifies exercises when needed. After the workout, she ends the class with a core, stretching, and a goal setting team builder. She says her regular class attendees keep the atmosphere motivating and fun. “Most of the time, members chat for quite a while after the class which is so fun to see,” says Yvonne. “They have really formed a great group throughout the weeks and months!”







In Eagle River, you’ll find Marzel Drisdom’s Team Training class on Tuesday and Saturday. He starts class with introductions to ensure everyone knows each other’s names. He uses a dynamic warm up routine that he changes about every three months. “This seems to work with the members who show up regularly,” says Marzel, “They can get right into their workout, and I can spend more personal time with new members going over the routine.” He demonstrates each exercise first, then during breaks, reviews what’s coming up next.

His class includes different time training intervals using AMRAP (as many reps as possible), Tabata, EMOM (every minute on the minute), and AFAP (as fast as possible). Marzel wraps up class with a fun team builder, stretching, and foam rolling. And of course, there’s great conversation and a positive vibe. “I have been using this formula for the past 2 years with good results and feedback,” says Marzel. “The community seems to enjoy it.”




Hannah Vogt coaches Team Training on Tuesday and Thursday nights at West. She says she tries to create an inclusive and friendly environment, “This could be somebody’s first intro to a group class, so I try to make it feel different than other classes and worth coming back to.” Hannah also works to use clear, efficient cues during the workout just as she would in a one-on-one PT session. “One thing that I have found to be special about Team Training is having a certified personal trainer coaching so members get the opportunity to walk away having learned how to do movements more effectively with the same coach every week.” And most of all, says Hannah, she likes the fun and camaraderie of Team Training. “Doing a few reps with somebody, especially towards the end of a set can really push a fun, unique vibe.” Especially when it’s followed by encouraging partner high-fives!


High-fives and good vibes are also found in Stacey Ledgerwood’s Tuesday and Thursday morning Team Training class at West. It focuses on workouts for stability and lower intensity, power, and HIIT. Every class starts with intros and warmups that include mobility. Then, it’s into the workout, which Stacey demonstrates for participants and coaches throughout. The class finishes with a fun team building exercise, foam rolling, and stretching session. Stacey says the end goal is that members connect, not compete, and get an overall body workout. “I encourage a positive atmosphere and coach with regressions or progressions to offer individual challenge,” adding “the result is rewarding, challenging, and fun not only for me as a coach but also for the participants.”


Ready to give Team Training a try? It’s free with your membership. Find it on the group fitness schedule at your favorite TAC location.


Give Team Training a try! Find out more Here