You’re nearly there. You’ve almost made it through another year. Did 2018 feel like a whirlwind, or was it just me? Maybe you’re feeling charged and ready to take on 2019, maybe you plan to just keep chugging along or maybe you’re like many, and you’re feeling burnt out.
Workout routines ebb and flow. Sometimes you’re in a perfect groove, and sometimes you hit a wall and struggle to find the motivation to get to the gym. First, it’s important to know it’s OKAY to feel this way. Everyone has highs and lows when it comes to their fitness regimen, even Olympians! (Just Google Michael Phelps’ story). Second, there are ways to combat the inevitable burnout we all feel from time to time.
Here are a few tips:
Don’t Do Anything
Weren’t expecting that one, were you? Just as important as your workout is rest. Rest allows our bodies to do the necessary recovery and repair after a workout, but if you’re not allowing your body to rest, you’re just breaking it down bit by bit. Additionally, sometimes we just need 5 days or even a week to take a break and relax. If you allow yourself to do this, you should come back feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the gym.
Mix it Up
Muscle memory is a real thing, and if you’re doing the same routine over and over again, you’re not stimulating or training anything new. Five days a week on the treadmill, or 7 days a week strength training, will inevitably lead to burnout. Instead, it’s important to include versatile workouts that involve muscle building and cardiovascular work. You should be surprising your muscles. If you’re looking for workout ideas, try YouTube or Instagram. There, you’ll find a plethora of resources for your daily workout inspiration.
Don’t Make It a Dreadmill Workout
Trails can be inhospitable in the winter, which has many of us turning to what runners call the “dreadmill.” Workouts on the treadmill can seem boring and monotonous: plug in pace, plug in distance and off you go to the mind-numbing bang bang of your own steps. To make things more interesting, we suggest doing interval workouts instead. This is switching back and forth from different intensity levels. For example, start with a slow, 5-minute warm-up, then move to 5 minutes at a comfortable pace, followed by 3 minutes at tempo (race pace), then repeat three times. We promise this will make your treadmill workout go by 10 times faster.
Branch Out
Maybe you’ve just been doing too much of the same thing. We suggest trying a few group classes you’ve never done before, whether it’s yoga, a strength class or even a spin class. Throwing in a new class once in a while is a fun way to get out of your comfort zone, while still receiving direction and professional assistance. Balance can be a very important aspect as well, so if you’re constantly performing workouts that are hard on your joints, try a water aerobics class. If you’re constantly lifting heavy weights at the gym, try a yoga class to stretch out your muscles. You might even find something worth adding into your routine. A full list of our class schedules can be found here
So remember, it’s okay to feel burnt out. It only means you’re human. And it is possible to overcome it with some rest, followed by a little routine revolution. If you have any other questions about overcoming the burnout, or what classes are best for you, our expert staff is happy to assist you.
Now go forth, conquer and see you in 2019!