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Exercise to prevent weight regain

Posted by The Alaska Club | Dec 16, 2014 2:06:36 PM

weight scaleLast month we talked about limiting weight gain by being conscientious about calorie intake during those many upcoming holiday foraging festivities. Although diet has greater influence on weight, we cannot forget the importance of physical activity or exercise. You may lose weight by eating fewer calories, but to avoid gaining all those pounds back and then some, it is crucial that you exercise. Current guidelines from the US Department of Health and Human Services recommend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity a week to prevent weight regain.  The guidelines also suggest resistance training at least twice a week.

Moderate aerobic exercise includes such activities as brisk walking, swimming, mowing the lawn and dancing. Vigorous aerobic exercise include such activities as running, playing competitive single tennis, shoveling snow, or cross country skiing. Resistance training includes the use of weight machines or resistance bands, or even everyday activities such as carrying groceries or heavy gardening.

Here is a list of estimated calories burned while doing different activities for 30 minutes based on people with different weights: 

  125 lbs person 155 lbs person 185 lbs person
Aerobics, high impact 210 260 311
Aerobics, low impact  165 205
Basketball: playing a game 240 298 355
Bicycling, stationary - moderate 210 260 311
Bicycling, stationary - vigorous 315 391 466
Bowling 90 112 133
Carrying & stacking wood 150 186 222
Chopping & splitting wood 180 223 266
Computer Work 41 51 61
Dancing: Fast, ballet, twist 180 223 266
Dancing: slow, waltz, foxtrot 90 112 133
Elliptical trainer  270 335 400
Football: competitive 270 335 400
Football: touch, flag, general 240 298 355
Frisbee 90 112 133
Gardening: weeding 139 172 205
Golf: carrying clubs 165 205 244
Golf: using cart 105 130 155
Gymnastics: general 120 149 178
Heavy Cleaning: wash car, windows 135 167 200
Hiking: cross-country 180 223 266
Hockey: field & ice 240 298 355
Ice Skating: general 210 260 311
Kayaking 150 186 222
Martial Arts: judo, karate, kickbox 300 372 444
Moving: carrying boxes 210 260 311
Moving: unpacking 105 130 155
Mowing Lawn: push, hand 165 205 244
Mowing Lawn: push, power 135 167 200
Office Work 45 56 67
Racquetball: casual, general 210 260 311
Racquetball: competitive 300 372 444
Raking Lawn 120 149 178
Reading: sitting 34 42 50
Rock Climbing: rappelling 240 298 355
Running: 7.5 mph (8 min/mile) 375 465 555
Running: cross-country 270 335 400
Shoveling Snow: by hand 180 223 266
Skiing: cross-country 240 298 355
Skiing: downhill 180 223 266
Sleeping 19 23 28
Snow Shoeing 240 298 355
Soccer: general 210 260 311
Softball: general play 150 186 222
Stair Step Machine or vigorous weight lifting 180 223 266
Standing in line 38 47 56
Swimming, vigorous 300 372 444
Swimming: general 180 223 266
Tai Chi 120 149 178
Tennis: general 210 260 311
Volleyball: competitive, gymnasium play 120
149 178
Volleyball: non-competitive, general play 90 112 133
Walk: 3.5 mph (17 min/mi) 120 149 178
Walk: 4 mph (15 min/mi) 135 167 200
Watching TV 23 28 33
Water aerobics or yoga 120 149 178
Weight Lifting: general 90 112 133
"Calories Burned in 30 Minutes for People of Three Different Weights." Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School. Harvard Heart Letter, July 2014. Web. <http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Calories-burned-in-30-minutes-of-leisure-and-routine-activities.htm>.

During this holiday season, eat sensibly, manage stress and keep yourself physically active!

Our Group Fitness Schedules can help keep yourself physically active.

Topics: Nutrition, Gym and Health Club Exercises

Written by The Alaska Club

The Alaska Club serves the Anchorage, Mat-Su, Fairbanks, and Juneau area with individual, family and spa memberships. Join today!

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