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Joining The Alaska Club Changed My Life

Posted by The Alaska Club | Feb 16, 2015 11:00:00 AM
I’ve lost roughly 60 pounds in the last 18 months. But to be clear, it’s more like 45 pounds because I’ve recently gained muscle, which is heavier than fat.  This has been a learning experience, as much as a weight loss experience. I’ve learned so much!

Josh's Before and AfterThe first thing I did was change my diet, not go on a diet. Your diet is what you eat and drink all of the time – not a temporary change to drop pounds.  

Also, and this is a really important part, I started drinking water. Personally I chose to drink alkaline water, but any water is better than none. My intention to drink more water though, was not enough because I kept forgetting, so I decided to use the Alarm app built in to my iPhone. Setting my alarm to remind me every 2-hours to drink some water. Still, I had to stop what I was doing and actually drink it!  Now, I’ve trained myself to thirst on schedule.  I often find myself with a glass of water in my hand when my alarm starts. The subconscious is an amazing thing; it can be trained to our benefit.  That brings me to my second life change... 

I joined The Alaska Club in Wasilla. After touring all the gyms in the Mat-Su area, my choice was clear. I have children, young boys, and I needed a place that they would enjoy. The Alaska Club was the only place that had the facilities that would appeal to my kids: a pool, basketball court, game room, even a small movie theater!

I was a little nervous about the cost. It is a commitment an investment. But considering the entertainment value for my boys, it was really not that much.  At this point, considering the amount I would spend on entertainment without The Alaska Club, it really doesn’t make sense to stop. Truth be told, it probably saves me money.

Now the third thing I actively did to change my health - and this is the part that ensures success - I hired a personal trainer. The Alaska Club offered this as an upgrade and worked with me on spreading the cost out over a year. This only increased my cost slightly each month, but the value it added to my health goals is immeasurable.

When you walk in, there are all these machines, and it’s intimidating.  You can probably figure out how the machines works, but you also have to know how your body works.  This is what personal trainers do; they train “your person.” They teach you proper form and proper process; they will give you solid advice on diet choices. I am sure that I would have not made as much progress, and maybe given up in frustration, had I not hired a trainer.

This article is my personal endorsement of The Alaska Club. I love it there. It’s my “me” time. And if you’re a parent, you know how valuable that can be. I go nearly every day, put in my headphones, and go into my own little world. My kids come along, and are totally entertained. How much is that worth?

Here’s something really important, and it may not pertain to you, but it does, listen close…

I was an emotional wreck before I joined. I had gone through several years of trying and difficult circumstances. My marriage was falling apart and I was eating my feelings. And, I had lots of feelings to eat. My life was in pieces. I kept eating. It was the only thing that made me feel better, but it also made me feel worse. It was a vicious-cycle, and it was killing me!  

But, after seeing my “before” photo, I was fed up.

Going back to my earlier point about “going on a diet,” simply changing your diet will not drastically change how you feel.  Physical activity causes a release of endorphins; the hormones that make you feel good. You don’t feel good simply because everything is going your way!  It’s chemical.  So really, my experience has been just the opposite. Things started going my way because I felt good! And that’s a result of my decision to work out at The Alaska Club.

If you’re struggling with your weight, and you have children, there really is no other choice but The Alaska Club.  I don’t often take the time to personally endorse a local business. I only write this article because I can honestly say that it has changed my life.  

I have first-hand experience with the quality of life that The Alaska Club can provide! The best part about losing all this weight, according to my son Seth, is that he can reach all the way around me when he hugs me now.

By Josh Fryfogle
Business Owner, Wasilla

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Written by The Alaska Club

The Alaska Club serves the Anchorage, Mat-Su, Fairbanks, and Juneau area with individual, family and spa memberships. Join today!

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