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Mental Health Tips for the Start of the Spring Season

Posted by The Alaska Club | Mar 15, 2018 10:40:33 AM


 Photo by GA Panorams

It has finally begun: The days are lengthening and the snow is is starting to melt. Spring is right around the corner. With spring comes the desire to shed the unwanted from our life and start fresh for summer. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for spring cleaning. Now we’re not just talking closets here, we’re talking about shedding the layers from our life that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

Here are the top three things we recommend shedding this spring to get you on a healthier path:


1. Ditch Habits Harmful to Your Immune System

Our bodies are a reflection of how we treat them. If you’re constantly feeling sick or sluggish, it’s quite possible you’re not treating your body very kindly. One of the top immune system killers is alcohol, which destroys your body’s antibody cells that fight off viruses. Lack of sleep can also be a silent killer when it comes to staying healthy. A critical process takes place during sleep in which our blood vessels and heart heal and repair. Additionally, if you’re lacking in sleep, you’re most likely lacking in motivation to stay active. We recommend reducing alcohol consumption if you find it a constant in your life, and getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night to boost your immune system.


2. Banish Anxiety and Stress

Constant stress and anxiety can take a huge toll on your well-being and can actually affect your overall quality of life. When your brain is overwhelmed, it goes into “fight or flight mode.” This means your body is on red alert and releases the stress hormone cortisol. Constant stress can result into an overload of cortisol pumped into your body. This can have a negative impact on your sleep, immune system, muscle breakdown, weight and more. There are some excellent ways to reduce the amount of stress in your life, including meditation and yoga. Exercise in general is also a great way to release stress and toxins building up in your body.


3. Wave Goodbye to Fear

What’s holding you back from the best you possible? Often times it’s fear. Fear you won’t be good enough, fear you will fail and fear to leave your comfort zone. We recommend the best way to get on the road to health is to boot that little voice in your head that says you can’t do something. Dare yourself to be brave. Give up something you think you couldn’t, like soda. Try something you normally wouldn’t do, like zumba or a cycling class. When we step out of our comfort zone, we open ourselves up to a whole new world of opportunities. You might actually love that class you were too afraid to try, but you’ll never know unless you take that first step forward.


This month we challenge you to live by a “out with old, in with the new” mantra. We think you’ll be surprised how much life can improve when you let go of the things in your “closet” that no longer serve you. Not sure where to start? We’ve made a five-step challenge to get you on the right foot:


Topics: mental health, spring

Written by The Alaska Club

The Alaska Club serves the Anchorage, Mat-Su, Fairbanks, and Juneau area with individual, family and spa memberships. Join today!

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